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Jozsef Turi
1956 - 2003

Joe Turi has very sadly lost his battle for life in a Hungarian hospital earlier today, following a motorbike crash over the Easter weekend.

Joe, born in Hungary in 1956 joined a troupe of Hungarian Czikos trick riders at the age of 16. Despite his father wanting him to become an electrician, Joe served an apprenticeship at a Hungarian State Stud Farm. He first came to England in 1973 with the Czikos riders and duly decided not to return. He was later granted political asylum and he began working in a riding school before moving on to work in a dealing yard and later in a National Hunt yard. But it was whilst working for the shavings company, General Chip that he first met Michael Bullman. Michael duly bought him some show jumping horses to ride in 1975 and this sparked not only Joe's illustrious career in international show jumping but also a very special partnership between him and Michael.

During his career Joe made 34 British Nations Cup appearances between 1986 and 1995 with his string of top quality horses such as Kruger, Waysider and the world renowned, Vital with whom he amassed over £150,000 winnings. Joe partnered Vital to many wins including a Team Gold Medal at the 1989 European Championships in Rotterdam and what Joe described as his favourite win, the Hickstead Derby in 1990. The combination also represented Great Britain in the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games where the team finished in 6th place.

Joe returned to Hungary in the late 1990's but his partnership with Michael Bullman continued and Joe competed for his homeland Hungary on Michael's horses for many years.

The British Show Jumping Association extends its condolences to Joe's family at this very sad time and will publish details of funeral/memorial services as soon as they are available.

Jacky Wood, BSJA Chief Executive said," Joe was always full of vitality with a huge appetite for life. He made an enormous contribution to British show jumping success and will be sadly missed by all his friends in the UK."

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