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horse easibed Support For Eventing's Rising Star Ruth Friend

easibed manufacturer G.I. Hadfield & Son Ltd has announced a sponsorship deal providing bedding to event rider Ruth Friend as part of an expanding promotional portfolio supporting the easibed product.

Ruth, a member of the 5-strong World Class Potential Squad for the second year in succession, has a string of 11 horses to compete this season, 6 of them advanced and she has already notched up several early season wins.


Following her decision to switch her yard to dust free easibed at the start of the year, Ruth contacted National Sales Manager Ian McColville who announced the sponsorship, saying, "We visited Ruth's yard to talk to her about easibed and were immediately very impressed with her totally professional approach. We're delighted to support her and confident that easibed will make a significant contribution to keeping her horses healthy and at peak fitness.

Ruth said, "Obviously I'm delighted! easibed is dust free, which is the main reason I was interested in the product, but I'm also really pleased with how clean everything is and how much time we save on the yard, as it's so easy to work with. We can store the bales outside, which is convenient, but I'm probably most excited about the potential health benefits for the horses, as respiratory fitness is so important!"

Ruth joins an increasing number of top class competition riders choosing dust free easibed for the horses in their care, the proven benefits of the product a key part of a successful management and training programme.

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