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horse Show Jumping - CSI*** Cervia Italy 9-11 May 2003

Competition No. 2
Table A Speed Class
Friday, May 9, 2003

1) Lt David O'Brien(IRL) Lismore Clover Faults 0 Time 61.59
2) Ignace Phillips (BEL) Gaughin de Guildebaum Faults 0 Time 62.40
3) Karim El Zoghby (EGY) Larissa Faults 0 Time 63.0

130 starters

Class No.3 - 1.45 Fasi cons.
Friday, May 9, 2003

1) Juan Carlos Garcia (COL) Ihorn Faults 0/0 Time 31,92
2) Bruno Garez (FRA) Just For You d'Hof Ten Bos Faults 0/0 Time 33.83
3) Conor Swail (IRL) Windgates King Koal Faults 0/0 Time 34.42
4) Wout-Jan van der Schans (NED) Broere Newton Faults 0/0 Time 34.85
5) Cameron Hanley (IRL) Jerome Faults 0/0 Time 35.09


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