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horse Show Jumping Results: CSI*** Cervia Italy 9-11 May 2003

Class N0 7 - 1.35m Tempo (Speed)
Saturday, May 10, 2003

1) Daniel Etter (SUI) Wango Faults 0 Time 52.49
2) Paolo Martinelli (ITA) Lucrezia Faults 0 Time 52.52
3) Cameron Hanley (IRL) Rodrigo III Faults 0 Time 52.55

Class No. 8 - 1.45m Diff.Prog.
Saturday, May 10, 2003

1) Oscar Baldo (ITA) Flurry D Points 44 Time 41.79
2) Conor Swail (IRL) Windgates King Koal Points 44 Time 42.02
3) Werner Muff (SUI) Lugano IX Points 44 Time 42.59

Class No.9 - 1.40 Mixed (Fei Reg. 238.2.2 )
Saturday, May 10, 2003

1) Philippe Rozier (FRA) Insolente Faults 0/0 Time 33.06
2) Capt. Gerry Flynn (IRL) Rincoola Abu Faults 0/0 Time 33.90
3) Wout-Jan van der Schans (NED) Broere Maroen Faults 0/0 Time 34.06


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