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horse Carey Breaks Bogey - Wins Riverdance Grand Prix

THE ARMY EQUITATION SCHOOL's Lt. Shane Carey was triumphant after winning today's (Sunday) Riverdance Grand Prix at Sutton, Co. Dublin, for his previous two outings in the Kerrygold Grand Prix League have been spoiled by a single fence down in the last round.

Today, however, the Army rider steered the 1990 bay gelding <Lismakin> into First, with no mistakes and well over a second faster than runner-up Clem McMahon, riding <Hermes de Reve>.

The Super League Grand Prix was suspended for a short while today as torrential rain lashed the course, but nothing could spoil the look of delight on the winner's face as he took the trophy.

<<I've had two Sixth places in the previous two Kerrygold outings, both caused by a single fence down in the second round, >> said Lt. Carey, <<but we were very careful today, and I knew it was only a matter of time before Lismakin showed his true colours. I am really pleased with the result.>>

Sutton, Co. Dublin May 11, 2002

€7,000 Riverdance Grand Prix
Sunday, May 11, 2003
1) Lismakin (Owner Minister for Defence); Lt. Shane Carey Faults 0 Time 36.62
2) Hermes de Reve (Owner: Blue on Blue); Clem McMahon Faults 0 Time 38.00
3) Out of Touch (Owner James Kernan); James Kernan Faults 0 Time 38.26
4) Cruz Forever (Owner Andrew Dunlop); Andrew Dunlop Faults 0 Time 39.27
5) Summerhill (Owner John Floody); John Floody Faults 0 Time 45.32
6) Killybegs Schubert (Owner Malachy Stone); James Kernan Faults 0 Time

KERRYGOLD GRAND PRIX League Rankings after Peninsula Classic, Sutton,
Co. Dublin
1) Clem McMahon 20 points
2) Lt. Shane Carey 19 points
3) Cian O'Connor 13 points
4) Andrew Dunlop 12 points
5) Capt. Gerry Flynn 10 points
6) James Kernan 9 points


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