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horse Show Jumping Results - Another Army Victory At Pontedera

THE ARMY EQUITATION SCHOOL riders completed the Irish romp through the CSI three-star event at Pontedera, Italy this afternoon (Saturday) with a decisive Grand Prix win by 25 yr old Longford-born Lt. David O'Brien, riding the Clover Hill stallion <Boherdeal Clover>.

The Army Lieutenant, who won the Gijon Grand Prix last year, was almost three seconds faster than his nearest rival, and completed a strong display of Irish talent at the Italian venue. Capt. Gerry Flynn won the Jump-Off class on Friday, and was Third in the 1m35 class later in the day, while O'Brien clocked up a Second and a Third on the same day.


GRAND PRIX (Gran Premio Due Manches)
Saturday, May 17

1) Boherdeal Clover; Lt. David O'Brien (IRL) Faults 0/0 Time 41.85
2) Audi's Acke; Hendrik Anka Crona (SWE) Faults 0/0 Time 44.13
3) Kuno; Beat Grandjean (SUI) Faults 0/0 Time 49.69

Ten riders through to jump-off
50 starters.


Class N.2 - 1.35 Mista (Fei Reg. 238.2.2 )
Friday, May 16, 2003
1) Nick Skelton (GBR) Pandur Faults 0/0 Time 37.96
2) Robert Maguire (GBR) Retreats Oakie Doakie Faults 0/0 Time 38.62
3) Capt.Gerry Flynn (IRL) Rathnew Faults 0/0 Time 39.23
Class N.3 - 1.45 Fasi cons. (Fei Reg. 274.5.2 )
Friday, May 16, 2003
1) Gerry Flynn (IRL) Rincoola Abu Faults 0/0 Time 22.55
2) Roberto Arioldi (ITA) Loro Piana Aramis Faults 0/0 Time 22.84
3) David O´Brien (IRL) Boherdeal Clover Faults 0/0 Time 26.27
Class N.4 - 1.40 Tab.C (Fei Reg. 263, 239 )
Friday, May 16, 2003
1) Jur Vrieling (NED) VDL Kalusha Time 62.42
2) David O´Brien (IRL) Lismore Clover Time 62.75
3) Roberto Arioldi (ITA) Loro Piana Lemato Time 66.09


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