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horse Show Jumping - Ireland Bids For Rome Nations Cup Today

IN THE SECOND of this year’s Samsung Super League Nations Cups, the Irish show jumping team, under the management of Chef d’Equipe Lt. Col. Gerry Mullins, bids for glory in Rome today, Friday (May 23).

The jumping order for the Irish will be as follows:
1) JEROME: Cameron Hanley
2) LISMAKIN: Lt. Shane Carey
4) CARLING KING: Kevin Babington

The competition, against the top riders from the seven other nations who have qualified for Super League status, is expected to finish around 6 pm, Irish time.

Ireland earned 3.5 Super League points from their equal Fourth place at La Baule, France, two weeks ago, and today’s team will be hoping to improve on that score, to pull Ireland up the leaderboard, and also ensure that the country remains in the Super League by the end of the season.

Ireland topped the League in the 1999/2000 season, but qualified for Super League status this year by only the narrowest of margins.


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