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Laurin Tops $5000 JR/AO Prix For Third Consecutive Year

AUGUSTA, NJ—May 4, 2003— On the last day of the Garden State Horse Show held April 30 – May 4 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds in Augusta, NJ, twenty junior and amateur-owner jumper riders attempted an impressive course built by Anthony D’Ambrosio in the $5000 Garden State Junior/A-O Prix, a member event of the Show Jumping Hall of Fame Jumper Classic Series. And for the third consecutive year the big grey Belgian-bred mare named Laurin topped the class. Ridden this year by owner Leigh Healy of Mount Holly, NJ, the pair was the last to go in the four-horse jumpoff and stopped the clock clean in a blistering 36.805 seconds.

“I put a lot of faith in Laurin. She never lets you down,” said Healy who just moved up into the high junior jumper division this past March. Healy also rides a ten-year-old Dutch gelding named Liverpool in the low juniors. That pair picked up a blue in the $2500 Garden State Junior/A-O Prix. The field of 32 was narrowed as seven horse-and-rider combinations qualified for the second round. Healy and Liverpool were the first to go and set the pace with a clear round in 36.077 seconds. No one could beat their clean go and the win propelled them to the low junior jumper championship.

The main ring also featured the $2500 Marshall & Sterling Adult Jumper League class as well as the $1500 Marshall & Sterling Children’s Jumper league event. Both classes are North American League (NAL) events.

The North American League (NAL) runs season-long series in six hunter and jumper divisions – Children’s Hunter, Children’s Jumper, Adult Hunter, Adult Jumper, Pony Jumper, and Open Jumper Speed. Each series culminates with a championship final at the Pennsylvania National Horse Show in Harrisburg, PA, in October. Riders need not be members of the NAL to compete in any qualifying classes, but only current members earn points toward year-end finals. For more information and a list of qualifying competitions for 2003, please visit the Ryegate Show Services website at

Topping the adult class was Sean Finn riding Kylemore Kid, a seven-year-old Irish sport horse. In his second year at Garden State Finn said this win is the best so far in his career with this horse. Finn, of Smithtown, Long Island, trains with Debbie and Marty deLayer. His goal for the year is to show in “as many Marshall & Sterling classes as possible” so he can qualify for the finals.

In the children’s NAL jumper class Francesca Bolfo, 13, of New York, NY, rode her horse LaBaron to the blue ribbon. Bolfo topped the field of 32 and beat out the six who qualified for the jump-off by jumping a double clear round in 31.675 seconds. The young rider was one of only two who posted a double clear. Bolfo trains with Jeff Cook at Hunterdon in Pittstown, NJ.

The best hunters at the show could be found in the ring vying for the title in the $1500 Garden State Hunter Classic, sponsored by Bevel Saddlery LTD. The winner of the prestigious 2003 Hunter Classic was John Courage ridden by Maria Schaub. Schaub picked up the ride on Johnny since owner Abigail Carpenter needed to take SAT’s on Saturday and wasn’t feeling well to ride him for the second day of classes. Last year’s winner of the hunter classic, Tally Over, was this year’s small junior hunter champion. Tally Over, a ten-year-old Thoroughbred, is owned by Jill Goldfine and was ridden by Kelley Cowperthwait.

Earlier in the show Cowperthwait rode Cheryl Creque’s large pony Scandel Sheet to the blue ribbon in the $1500 Garden State Pony Hunter Classic and took home the large pony championship. The pair posted an 83.5 and an 85 to lead the victory gallop in the classic.

The Garden State Horse Show is rated “AA” by USA Equestrian and is the largest hunter-jumper show in New Jersey. For more information on the Garden State Horse Show call (508) 698-6810.


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