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horse Horse Schools: The International Guide to Universities, Colleges, Secondary Schools and Specialty Equine Programs by Angelia Almos.

The newly released book "Horse Schools" is concise, well researched and has a truly global coverage. The book is written by Angelia Almos who is obviously sensitive to the difficulties which face young students and their parents when trying to make important career or lifestyle decision. The first ten pages of the book gives the reader essential advice, makes useful suggestions and invites the prospective student to ask themselves questions. Before listing more than 500 programmes in 26 different countries, the book suggests the type of questions which students and parents should consider asking as well as what to look for from the school.

If your life revolves around horses and you are dreaming of an equestrian career working with horses but you don't know where to start then you could not do worse than buy this book in order to survey your options. In this book you will find a list of over 200 training courses for occupations and activities as varied as becoming a good coach, an equestrian business manager or even a qualified logger working with horses! If you are on the other side of the fence and run a school or college and you're not in this book, then I suggest that you get in touch with Angelia to be included in the next edition.

Angelia Almos
Author of Horse Schools: The International Guide to Universities, Colleges, Secondary Schools and Specialty Equine Programs

Copies can be purchased through anyone's local bookstore by request if the store doesn't stock it, and, directly from the publisher, and Angelia also has autographed copies for sale on her website at ( The ebook version at $4.95 is only available from the publisher's site. The book is $24.95 from bookstores and .com stores and is discounted to $22.95 if you purchase from the publisher or from Angelia directly. Although the prices quoted are in US dollars, the book can be bought or ordered from any good book store almost anywhere.


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