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HorseTV Announces Program Extravaganza For Month Of July

Houston, TX, May 15, 2003 - HorseTV, currently providing more than 20 hours of equestrian programming each week to millions of homes in the U.S. and Canada, has planned a spectacular equestrian Fourth of July for the horse community with a July broadcast schedule that includes five of the top international equestrian competitions in the world.

HorseTV announced today that it will broadcast the 2003 FEI Dressage World Cup Finals from Sweden, the recent 2003 FEI Show Jumping Finals in Las Vegas, the 2003 Badminton Horse Trials, (CCI****), the Australian Adelaide Horse Trials, (CCI****) and the 2003 FEI World Cup Driving Finals, also from Sweden, starting Friday, July 4th and running through the end of July. The Adelaide and Badminton competitions are two of the only four yearly, four-star three-day events in the world.

With plans to launch later this year as the 24/7, subscription-based HorseTV Channel, HorseTV is now seen on a limited, no-cost basis through the America One Television Network local affiliate television stations, select cable systems, C-Band satellite dishes, and through DirecTV and DISH local option subscription services in certain major markets, including all of the 7-county, greater Los Angeles area.

Combining stunning documentary specials with entertaining and informational segments on every aspect of owning, riding or loving horses, HorseTV appeals not only to the millions of viewers with a recreational or professional interest in horses, but also that vast audience which simply relates to the romance and mystery of the horse, an audience representing millions and millions of people.

The expanded, 24 hour a day schedule will include carefully selected programming designed to appeal to a broad-based audience as well as the dedicated horse owner or rider, and assembled to include a balanced view of the horse world . . . English or western, competition or pleasure, at home or around the world.

Home shopping, daily news, expanded children’s programming, feature films, and a wide variety of veterinary and health care topics will help to round out the schedule when it is announced later this fall.

Horse people of all persuasions are encouraged to start calling their satellite or cable providers to request the new, upcoming HorseTV Channel arriving this fall


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