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50% off training for equine businesses in Wales

Lantra is offering free training need assessments to equine businesses in Wales, enabling employers to identify the learning and development requirements of their employees and themselves. Any training needs identified by the assessment could be funded by up to 50% and could include a range of courses from business management and IT to online learning and practical skills courses.

As the Sector Skills Council for the environmental and land-based sector, Lantra aims to find out what training is needed, in order to help improve skills within the industry and make equine businesses more productive and profitable.

Business owners and managers are invited to apply for a free 'SkillCheck', Lantra's training need assessment service.

"A fully trained and registered person would meet with you and carry out a free of charge SkillCheck, to find out what training you and your employers want to undertake", explains Lantra Regional Development Consultant, Philippa Davies. "Your requirements are logged and the appropriate training is recommended, agreed and then delivered."

If you own, or work for, an equine business in Wales, apply now for your free SkillCheck and receive up to 50% funding towards your training needs. For more information, contact Philippa Davies on 07867 908188, email, or Richard Gough on 07747 152395 or email

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