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Libbys Moves To Help Pony Schooling

New version of innovative training aid launched

Leading webbing tack manufacturer Libbys is marketing a pony-sized version of the Lungie Bungie training aid, devised for them by successful event riders Lucinda and Clayton Fredericks.

The aid, launched at the 2002 BETA Trade Fair, has been popular in this country and abroad, is designed to encourage horses and ponies to develop the muscles enabling them to find self carriage and to help mouthing young animals and re-mouthing older ones.

"We had so many inquiries from people who had used it successfully on horses and also wanted it for ponies that we thought it was a gap in the market which had to be filled," said Libby Virgoe, founder of the Plymouth-based company.

"It is not a gadget to be used by children, but a training aid which can be a great help in schooling ponies for general riding or for the show ring."

The Lungie Bungie has a strong cord of elastic fitted to the bit with a triggered connector which has a large ring in the centre. The aid is then fitted to the lunging roller and there are D-rings on each side which allow for three different tensions.

This design encourages equal pressure on both sides of the bit and encourages softness and submission in the horse without using any force. It is supplied with separate trigger hooks so that the device can also be used on a saddle while the horse is being ridden.

Libbys can be contacted on 01752 255555 or through its website,


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