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Something Horrible On Nancy's Cart!

Nancy the Welsh cob is a familiar sight on the streets of capital, usually trotting happily along pulling a cart of fruit and veg' to one of the busy London markets.

Nancy, whose pedigree title is Acacia Black Lady, recently found herself towing an altogether less appealing load, however.

Britain's grisliest leisure attraction The London Dungeon recruited Nancy's services, and those of her driver 19-year-old Jonathan Edwards and his 15-year-old brother Jimmy, to help spread news around the city of a new show based on The Great Plague of 1665.

Hence Nancy, who is stabled in Enfield, was hitched up to a plague cart…decked with ragged mannequins, skulls and bones, and carrying Dungeon actresses Kelly Philpott and Annie McCabe.

The plague cart reaches Hyde Park. Left to right - Jimmy, Jonathan, Kelly and Annie.

Even Jonathan and Jimmy were made-up in the style of plague-victims, complete with fake sores and boils, for a macabre tour which took in Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square, among other famous landmarks.

"You'd have thought people would be appalled, but in fact they loved it," said Kelly. "Nancy was as good as gold, and seemed to enjoy all the attention as much as we did."

The Dungeon's new £500,000 feature takes visitors back to a plague ravaged London, where they encounter all manner of horrors…from a woman emptying a chamber pot from a first storey window and animatronic rats to a six foot glowing skull complete with wriggling worm in one eye-socket!

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