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Phelps Media Group, Inc. Casting For ABC Family Television Show - "Switched!"

WELLINGTON, FL – April 29, 2004 – Phelps Media Group, Inc. (PMG), a public relations firm focused on promoting events and people in the equestrian world, is casting for a junior rider to appear on the ABC Family television show "Switched!" The producers of the show are interested in profiling a rider aged 16 to 20 that is currently competing in any equestrian discipline.

"Switched!" is a new teen reality show that gives two young people between the ages of 16 and 20 the chance to simultaneously trade lives during a four-day adventure. The challenge is to see how each person will cope in a new environment – dealing with a new family, new school, new friends, new activities, and everything that involves trading a life with a counterpart somewhere else in the USA. The top-rated ABC show currently airs weekdays at 5pm.

The show answers the question, "What would it be like to actually live another teenager's life for a few days?" By experiencing life from a different perspective, teenagers learn to better appreciate things that they might have previously taken for granted and they gain a broader understanding of the lives of others.

Evolution Film & Tape, Inc. produces “Switched” for ABC Family television and has asked Phelps Media Group, Inc. to locate a young rider to appear on the show. Evolution has built a reputation for their teen-based ‘reality’ television programming during the past 15 years. Shows such as Disney's "Bug Juice," "Totally Hoops," and "Totally in Tune" have brought acclaim to Evolution and allowed them to demonstrate that they know how to responsibly and respectfully produce shows with teens and their families.

The hallmark of Evolution’s past series has been that the stories they tell are real. "Switched!" is about real teens and what they say and do while undergoing this life experience. Although supervised by the producers, the entire experience is unscripted. The goal is not to embarrass but to enlighten. The producers intend for this to be a positive experience for everyone involved – the teenagers, their families, and the viewers. Evolution has produced reality documentaries in more than 50 public high schools and spent time filming in hundreds of homes across the USA.

Although the majority of switched teens are ‘normal teens’, the producers have also had various celebrities participate, including: Dallas Friday, five times X-Games wakeboarding champion; Terry Kennedy, professional skateboarder; Jennifer Freeman, co-star on ABC’s "My Wife and Kids"; Skye Sweetnam, Capitol Records recording artist; Kyle Sullivan from Nickelodeon's "All That" (his co-star Jamie-Lynn Spears took the switched teen around Santa Monica); and Anna Troy, from the Matrix-produced band The Troys.

“Switched!” airs on the ABC Family Network, which is owned by The Walt Disney Company. Evolution places a premium on professional responsibility and safety – experienced producers supervise all videotaping. Evolution is fully bonded and insured.

Phelps Media Group, Inc. is currently reviewing resumes of equestrians aged 16 to 20 that wish to be considered for “Switched” (no phone calls accepted). Equestrians are asked to email resumes to or fax to (561) 753-3386.


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