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BHS Membership Keeps On Growing

Membership of the British Horse Society continues to grow, and at 57,434, is higher now than at any time since the competitive disciplines of eventing, dressage and endurance left the BHS to go it alone in 1997.

Kay Driver BHS chief executive said: "The increase in membership is evidence that people recognise the BHS as the one body working for ordinary riders and horse owners, and campaigning for all their needs. It is really encouraging that more and more people are joining. If you are a rider we need your support."

Riders are becoming increasingly concerned about the problems of riding on the roads and the BHS is the only organisation actively working to get the message over to motorists to pass horses wide and slow and to treat riders with consideration. It is thanks to the BHS that there are now ads on TV which illustrate the problem graphically. Riders and carriage drivers need more off road routes and in the past 10 years the BHS has opened up hundreds of miles of new bridleways and byways.

As well as providing the professional qualifications for the equestrian industry, the BHS runs courses and progressive learning packages for leisure
riders and horse owners, thus ensuring that horses and ponies are properly cared for and sympathetically ridden.

The BHS sends out over 250,000 advisory leaflets a year and responds to hundreds of thousands of phone calls asking for help. BHS welfare representatives deal with over 1000 cases every year.

All riders and horse owners benefit from the work done by the BHS regardless of whether they are members or not. The more successful the BHS is, the more people expect, and it is often those who are not members who demand that the BHS should be doing more. According to statistics from BETA (British Equestrian Trade Association) there are 2.4m riders in this country. That means that over 97% of riders are not BHS members.

The British Horse Society is calling on every rider and horse owner to join the Society so that we can build on the work we are doing and really make a difference.

BHS gold membership costs £42 (which includes about £70 worth of liability insurance), silver membership is £21 and bronze membership only costs £10. Anyone interested in becoming a member should contact the Membership Department, British Horse Society, Stoneleigh Deer Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire CV8 2XZ. Tel 08701 201900 (direct line), or 01926 707750/1/2/3 or join online on the BHS website:


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