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BHS Alerts Horsebox Owners

The British Horse Society is alerting horsebox owners that tachographs, where fitted, will now be checked at the annual MOT in line with new regulations which came into force on 1 April. This will happen even where the horsebox is privately owned. It will not apply to older vehicles where there is a separate speedometer.

Prior to the test, horsebox owners will need to have the tachograph checked to ensure that it was initially calibrated and tested when the horsebox was new. If it has been disconnected for some reason (for the fitting of a new clutch for instance), then in order for the lorry to pass its MOT it will have to be recalibrated and sealed.

If the vehicle is used for hire and reward, the tachograph check at the annual test will ensure that the vehicle complies with the current regulations.

Private horsebox owners are exempt, but they must complete and sign a form claiming this exemption. The form can be obtained from the local Vehicle Inspectorate office or can be downloaded from the website of the Organisation of Horsebox and Trailer Owners


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