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Guy Fawkes River National Park Brumby Protection Campaign  - Stage 1 
May 2002

To ensure the continued safety of the surviving Guy Fawkes brumbies......This is not a protest campaign

The future of the surviving Guy Fawkes brumby's survival and safety is presently in the hands of a NSW government
decision to be released soon based on the findings and recommendations of the Heritage Working Party.
For more information contact Lyall Sempf  at email  or phone 07 54622337
How you can help -  we need your support
Send an email or letter to those listed below stating that the Guy Fawkes brumbies definitely have a rich heritage value as determined by the Heritage Working Party And:
Put forward the view that because these brumbies do have a rich heritage value, they should be preserved and managed by a private organisation in the Guy Fawkes River National Park, or on adjacent land provided by the government, for future generations to appreciate.
If  brumbies are to be caught and relocated to an adjacent area then there is to be no pressure put on contractors to have this work done under tight time schedules.  Time pressure may result in the process being rushed and this will not be in the best interest of moving the brumbies safely and humanely with minimal stress.
National Parks are for preserving heritage value items, and it is about time that the NSW government and NPWS realise that these brumbies should also be preserved.
These brumbies have heritage value and importance in their own rite.
In the event that the government won't accept the recommendations of the Heritage Working Party, or allocate an area adjacent the park for our brumbies to be preseved and run free, demand that :
No brumbies are to be shot, except humanely in the event of a serious injury. 
None are to be caught for transporting to saleyards ( some horses which go to saleyards are bought by doggers ). 
None are to go directly to the doggers. 
State that you will not tolerate such actions if any brumbies are dealt with as above.
The National Park belongs to all of us, not just the NPWS and the "environmentalists".
Ask Minister Debus for a hard copy of the Heritage Working Party Report to be posted to you.  These brumbies belong to the Australian public and so we deserve to see the records on their history and heritage values.
Let them know that the outcome of the Guy Fawkes brumby issue is being closely watched by you and others.
Ask for a reply to your email or letter.
The need for a campaign
The future of the surviving Guy Fawkes brumby's safety is presently in the hands of a NSW government decision based on the findings and recommendations  of the Heritage Working Party.
The NSW government is strongly influenced by NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS)  policies and their staff views, and  "environmentalists". 
We can influence this decision to some degree by contacting relevant government and NSW NPWS officials and members of parliament to make our feelings and views known as to what we would like to see done with these rich heritage-valued brumbies.  ( Contact details listed below )
After the human outcry over the slaughtering of the hundreds of brumbies in the Guy Fawkes River NP in Oct 2000,  Environment Minister Bob Debus ruled out any further use of airial culling. The heritage value of these brumbies was made known to the NSW government by a number of people and hence Minister Debus ordered a heritage working party to be set up to actually show whether or not these brumbies did have heritage value.
If heritage value was shown then these brumbies would have a chance for survival as opposed to being culled. The Heritage Working Party was thus formed, chaired by Dr. Frank Nicholas of Sydney University, and operated from June 2001 to Jan 2002.
The results of findings were finalised, and the report was to be submitted by Dr Frank Nicholas to the NSW government in Feb this year.
The results confirmed that the brumbies definitely have heritage value.
A recommendation was made by the Heritage Working Party that brumbies be allowed to remain in the park under a management plan. 
The outcome of this decision about the future of the brumbies has not been released yet.
Brief History of the brumbies as discovered by the Heritage Working Party, and outcomes of DNA testing
1830's - horses were introduced into the general area.
1840's - large numbers of horses and cattle were bred in this general there. These horses were sent to the cities,
             the British army in India, and to S.E. Asia, the US, New Zealand and the South Pacific.
1885 - Captain Charles Chauvel started the 1st Light Horse regiment at Tabulam. The Upper Clarence Light Horse
            was thus formed.   Harry Chauvel, Charle's son, became the famous general of the 1st World War where
            Australia's horses became a legend.
In the 1800's the famous stallion Saladin was in this general area. His line is in the Australian Stock Horse Association.
His blood line is believed to be in the Guy Fawkes brumbies because of the predominance of the black-point creamys ( buckskins ) in the park.
Three Saladin mares were also introduced into the Northern Rivers area.
The Northern Rivers Lancers started in northern NSW, which includes the Guy Fawkes area.
Between the two world wars, light horsemen had to have their own horses. If they didn't have a horse, some would go into the "gulf country" which is now within the park.
Thus brumbies have been in the Guy Fawkes area for many generations, and it is even known that brumby running occurred in the Guy Fawkes in the early 1900's.
A point worth mentioning is that in the early days, many of the large properties weren't fully fenced, and still today high quality horses are bred on these properties. Horses would have escaped from these properties over the years.
DNA testing:  20 horses which had been removed from the park in the past, and 20 Waler horses from around Australia were tested. DNA results showed that the Walers and the park horses are very similar.
A Sample letter/email   ( can be copied and pasted into an email/letter, then please alter to                                             express your personal views )
Hon Bob Debus
Minister for the Environment
- Address-
Future of the Guy Fawkes River National Park brumbies
Dear Minister Debus,
It has now been shown that the Guy Fawkes River National Park brumbies have a rich heritage value.
We are awaiting the outcome of the governments decision on the future of our brumbies as a result of the Heritage Working Party's findings and recommendations.
I wish to express my personal view that the Guy Fawkes brumbies should remain in the Guy Fawkes River National Park as recommended by the Heritage Working Party, for future generations to be able to appreciate. Our brumbies should be managed by a private organisation skilled in the knowledge and management of wild horses.
They belong to all of us.
I will be most disappointed if the outcome of the government's decision is that our brumbies have to be removed from the Guy Fawkes River NP.  If the decision is that they have to go, then I will only accept them being relocated to another area provided by the government, such as one of the areas of  land adjacent the park.  
The NPWS has been aquiring very large amounts of land adjacent the park, and there is no reason some of this land can not be designated for our brumbies.
If our brumbies are to be caught for relocation to an adjacent area for preservation, then I insist that catching and transporting is done gently and humanely by professional private contractors, subject to RSPCA endorsement, and no pressure is to be put on contractors to have their work done within an unreasonable time frame. Strict deadlines on work involving  brumbies can put undesirable stress on these sensitive animals.
In the event that the government will not allow our brumbies to remain in the Guy Fawkes River N.P., or on adjacent land, then I wish to bring to your attention that I and a number of other people will not tolerate any of our brumbies being shot for any reason other than if one becomes seriously injured or seriously sick, and then it must be done humanely. I will not tolerate any being caught to be merely  transported to a saleyard, as horses at saleyards are often bought for pet food.
Also, I will definitely not tolerate any caught brumbies going directly to abattoirs as has happened in the past with the Guy Fawkes brumbies which have been caught by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
I and a number of other people will be closely monitoring the outcome of the government's decision and the future of our brumbies.
Could you please have your department forward me a hard copy of the Report of the Heritage Working Party at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,  ...........
Key people to contact
Hon. Bob Debus,  NSW Minister for Environment, 
Shop 3, 107 - 109 Maquarie Rd.
Springwood NSW 2777
Ph     02 4751 3298
Fax   02 4751 1245
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service - Director General
Mr. Brian Gilligan
PO Box 1967
Hurstville NSW 2220
Ph     02 9598 6303
Others to contact
Dr. Tony English,  
PMB 3,  425 Werombi Rd., Camden NSW 2570
Faculty of Veterinary Science
University of Sydney
Ph    02 9351 1675
Dr. English was employed by the NSW government to do a supposed  "independant investigation" of the Guy Fawkes slaughter. His report was biassed in favour of the NSW NPWS and contains much misinformation.He blatantly claims that the slaughter was done professionally and humanely in light of the hard evidence produced by photos which show otherwise. 
NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service -  Dorrigo Office
Dorrigo NSW 2453
Ph    02 6657 2309
Dorrigo Office manages the Guy Fawkes River N.P.
List of all NSW Members of Parliament  
* Why not email every MP in NSW with your views. 
It is important to ask a few personal questions to the MPs so that a personal response has to be made to
your email, otherwise you may only receive the usual response stating that your email has been received and noted, or forwarded onto the relative department. 

Allan, The Hon. Pamela Diane, Wentworthville Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9688 3770
Fax - (02) 9688 3771
Email -
Amery, The Hon. Richard Sanderson, Mount Druitt Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Agriculture, and Minister for Corrective Services
Telephone - (02) 9625 6770
Fax - (02) 9625 9965
Email -
Anderson, Mr (Jim) James, Londonderry Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9833 1122
Fax - (02) 9623 1185
Email -
Andrews, Ms Marie Therese, Peats Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 4342 4122
Fax - (023) 4341 2368
Email -
Aquilina, The Hon. John Joseph, Riverstone Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Land and Water Conservation, and Minister for Fair Trading
Telephone - (02) 9622 6190
Fax - (02) 9831 2795
Email -
Armstrong, The Hon. Ian Morton, Lachlan Electorate, National Party, Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Shadow Minister for Racing
Telephone - (02) 6342 4911
Fax - (02) 6342 4524
Email -
Ashton, Mr Alan John, East Hills Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9772 2774
Fax - (02) 9792 1718
Email -
Barr, Mr David, Manly Electorate, Independent
Telephone - (02) 9976 2773
Fax - (02) 9976 2993
Email -
Bartlett, Mr John Richard, Port Stephens Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - 4968 3284
Fax - 4967 4556
Email -
Beamer, Ms Diane, Mulgoa Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9834 2999
Fax - (02) 9834 3900
Email -
Black, Mr Peter Laurence, Murray-Darling Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - Broken Hill office: (08) 8087 3315 , Hay office: (02) 6993 3499
Fax - Broken Hill office: (08) 8087 1796, Hay office: (02) 6993 3218
Email -
Breen, The Hon. Peter James, MLC, Reform the Legal System
Telephone - 9230 2883
Fax - 9230 3568
Email -
Brogden, Mr John Gilbert, Pittwater Electorate, Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Minister for Ethnic Affairs, Shadow Minister for Innovation and Reform of Government
Telephone - (02) 9999 3599
Fax - (02) 9999 0922
Email -
Brown, Mr Matthew James, Kiama Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 4232 1082
Fax - (02) 4232 3577
Email -
Burgmann, The Hon. Dr Meredith Anne, MLC, Australian Labor Party, President
Telephone - (02) 9230 2300 (after hours media enquires: 0418 240 763)
Fax - (02) 9230 3316
Email -
Burnswoods, The Hon. Janice Carolyn, MLC, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - 9230 2488
Fax - 9230 3043
Email -
Burton, Miss Cherie Ann, Kogarah Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9587 9684
Fax - (02 ) 9588 7138
Email -
Campbell, Mr David Andrew, Keira Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 4285 1588
Fax - (02) 4285 1858
Email -
Carr, The Hon. Robert John, Maroubra Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Premier, Minister for the Arts, and Minister for Citizenship
Telephone - (02) 9349 6440
Fax - (02) 9349 4594
Email -
Chesterfield-Evans, The Hon. Dr Arthur, MLC, Australian Democrats
Telephone - 9230 2303
Fax - 9230 2866
Email -
Chikarovski, Mrs Kerry Anne, Lane Cove Electorate, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Major Projects Shadow Minister for Public Private Partnerships
Telephone - (02) 9817 4757
Fax - (02) 9817 5885
Email -
Cohen, The Hon. Ian, MLC, The Greens
Telephone - (02) 9230 2603
Fax - (02) 9230 2267
Email -
Colless, The Hon. Richard Hargrave, MLC, National Party
Telephone - 9230 2111
Fax - 9230 2053
Email -
Collier, Mr Barry Joseph, Miranda Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9525 6378
Fax - (02) 9540 2517
Email -
Collins, The Hon. Peter Edward James, Willoughby Electorate, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister of State, Shadow Special Minister of State, Shadow Minister for the Arts
Telephone - (02) 9439 4199
Fax - (02) 9439 9299
Email -
Corbett, The Hon. Alan Gordon, MLC, Independent
Telephone - 9230 2122
Fax - 9230 2612
Email -
Costa, The Hon. Michael, MLC, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Police
Telephone - 9230 2111 (parliament switch) or 9230 2971
Fax - 9230 3044
Email -
Crittenden, Mr Paul Ronald, Wyong Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary
Telephone - (02) 4397 1000
Fax - (02) 4397 1012
Email -
Cull, Mr John Douglas, Tamworth Electorate, National Party
Telephone - (02) 6766 1422
Fax - (02) 6766 6765
Email -
Debnam, Mr Peter John, Vaucluse Electorate, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Transport, Shadow Minister for Insurance Regulation, Shadow Minister for Competition and Consumer Affairs
Telephone - (02) 9369 3017
Fax - (02) 9389 8050
Email -
Debus, The Hon. (Bob) Robert John, Blue Mountains Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Attorney General, Minister for the Environment, Minister for Emergency Services, and Minister Assisting the Premier on the Arts
Telephone - (02) 4751 3298
Fax - (02) 4751 1245
Email -
Della Bosca, The Hon. John Joseph, MLC, Australian Labor Party, Special Minister of State, Minister for Industrial Relations, Assistant Treasurer, Minister Assisting the Premier on Public Sector Management, and Minister Assisting the Premier for the Central Coast
Telephone - 9230 3479
Fax - 9230 2469
Email -
Dyer, The Hon. Ronald David, MLC, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - 9230 3474
Fax - 9230 3324
Email -
Egan, The Hon. Michael Rueben, MLC, Australian Labor Party, Treasurer, Minister for State Development, and Vice-President of the Executive Council
Telephone - 9230 2244
Fax - 9230 2859
Email -
Face, The Hon. Jack Richard, Charlestown Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Gaming and Racing, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Hunter Development
Telephone - (02) 4942 1242
Fax - (02) 4942 1060
Email -
Fazio, The Hon. Amanda Ruth, MLC, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - 9230 3593
Fax - 9230 3591
Email -
Forsythe, The Hon. Patricia, MLC, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Education and, Training, Shadow Minister for the Status of Women
Telephone - 9230 2975
Fax - 9230 2992
Email -
Fraser, Mr Andrew Raymond Gordon, Coffs Harbour Electorate, National Party, National Party Whip
Telephone - (02) 6652 6500
Fax - (02) 6652 7934
Email -
Gallacher, The Hon. Michael Joseph, MLC, Liberal Party, Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council, Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations, Shadow Minister for Small Business Employment and Workers Compensation, Shadow Minister for Hunter and Central Coast Development
Telephone - 9230 2302
Fax - 9230 2980
Email -
Gardiner, The Hon. (Jenny) Jennifer Ann, MLC, National Party, Shadow Minister for Fisheries and Ports, Assistant Shadow Minister for Rural Health
Telephone - (02) 9230 2903
Fax - (02) 9230 2053
Email -
Gaudry, Mr Bryce James, Newcastle Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary
Telephone - (02) 4926 1126
Fax - (02) 4926 2134
Email -
Gay, The Hon. Duncan John, MLC, National Party, Leader of the National Party in the Legislative Council, Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council, Shadow Minister for Local Government, Shadow Minister for Energy & Mineral Resources Shadow Minister for State Development
Telephone - 9230 2329
Fax - 9230 2923
Email -
George, Mr Thomas, Lismore Electorate, National Party
Telephone - (02) 6621 3624
Fax - (02) 6622 1403
Email -
Gibson, Mr Paul Bernard, Blacktown Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9671 5222
Fax - (02) 9671 5266
Email -
Glachan, Mr Ian Doric, Albury Electorate, Liberal Party
Telephone - (02) 6021 3042
Fax - (02) 6021 8884
Email -
Greene, Mr Kevin Patrick, Georges River Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9580 9349
Fax - (02) 9580 9103
Email -
Grusovin, The Hon. Deirdre Mary, Heffron Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9314 2339
Fax - (02) 9349 5601
Email -
Harrison, The Hon. Gabrielle Mary, Parramatta Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9891 4722
Fax - (02) 9891 5618
Email -
Hartcher, Mr Christopher Peter, Gosford Electorate, Liberal Party, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Attorney-General, Shadow Minister for Justice
Telephone - (02) 4325 1603
Fax - (02) 4324 2356
Email -
Harwin, The Hon. Donald Thomas, MLC, Liberal Party
Telephone - 9230 3519
Fax - 9230 3518
Email -
Hatzistergos, The Hon. John, MLC, Australian Labor Party, Temporary Chairman of Committees
Telephone - 9230 2327
Fax - 9230 2139
Email -
Hazzard, Mr Bradley Ronald , Wakehurst Electorate, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Family Support, Shadow Minister for Disability Services, Shadow Minister for Ageing and, Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Telephone - (02) 9981 1111
Fax - (02) 9981 5059
Email -
Hickey, Mr Kerry Arthur, Cessnock Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 4991 1466
Fax - (02) 4991 1103
Email -
Hodgkinson, Ms Katrina Ann, Burrinjuck Electorate, National Party
Telephone - 6226 3311
Fax - 6226 3345
Email -
Hopwood, Mrs (Judy) Judith, Hornsby Electorate, Liberal Party
Telephone - (02) 9476 3411
Fax - (02) 9476 2965
Email -
Humpherson, Mr Andrew, Davidson Electorate, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Planning, Shadow Minister for the Environment
Telephone - (02) 9880 7400
Fax - (02) 9880 7488
Email -
Hunter, Mr Jeffrey, Lake Macquarie Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 4959 3200
Fax - (02) 4950 4076
Email -
Iemma, The Hon. Morris, Lakemba Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Public Works and Services, Minister for Sport and Recreation, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Citizenship
Telephone - (02) 9584 1788
Fax - (02) 9584 1945
Email -
Jobling, The Hon. John Hughes, MLC, Liberal Party, Opposition Whip
Telephone - 9230 2433
Fax - 9230 2922
Email -
Jones, The Hon. Malcolm Irving, MLC, Outdoor Recreation Party
Telephone - 9230 2752
0409603121 (Media enquires)
Fax - 9230 2205
Email -
Jones, The Hon. Richard Stanley Leigh, MLC, Independent
Telephone - 9230 2858
media enquiries: 0419 252 926
Fax - 9230 2871
Email -
Kelly, The Hon. (Tony) Anthony Bernard, MLC, Australian Labor Party, Deputy President and Chairman of Committees
Telephone - 9230 2837
Fax - 9230 2889
Email -
Kernohan, Dr (Liz) Elizabeth Anne, Camden Electorate, Liberal Party
Telephone - (02) 4655 3333
Fax - (02) 4655 3325
Email -
Kerr, Mr Malcolm John, Cronulla Electorate, Liberal Party
Telephone - (02) 9526 8377
Fax - (02) 9526 8928
Email -
Knowles, The Hon. Craig John, Macquarie Fields Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Health
Telephone - (02) 9605 7000
Fax - (02) 9618 2346
Email -
Lo Po', The Hon. Faye, Penrith Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Community Services, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability Services, and Minister for Women
Telephone - (02) 4721 8432
Fax - (02) 4731 4782
Email -
Lynch, Mr Paul Gerard, Liverpool Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9602 0040
Fax - (02) 9821 1807
Email -
Lynn, The Hon. Charlie John Stuart, MLC, Liberal Party
Telephone - 9230 3362
Fax - 9230 2396
Email -
Macdonald, The Hon. Ian Michael, MLC, Australian Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary
Telephone - 9230 3034
Fax - 9230 3032
Email -
Maguire, Mr Daryl William, Wagga Wagga Electorate, Liberal Party
Telephone - (02) 6921 1622
Fax - (02) 6921 4424
Email -
Markham, Mr Colin William, Wollongong Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary
Telephone - (02) 4226 5700
Fax - (02) 4226 9963
Email -
Martin, Mr Gerard Francis, Bathurst Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 6331 1555
Fax - (02) 6331 1566
Email -
McBride, Mr Grant Anthony, The Entrance Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 4334 1012
Fax - (02) 4334 3840
Email -
McGrane, Mr Anthony Michael, Dubbo Electorate, Independent
Telephone - (02) 6882 3577
Fax - (02) 6882 3689
Email -
McManus, Mr Ian, Heathcote Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary
Telephone - (02) 9548 0144
Fax - (02) 9548 5639
Email -
Meagher, Ms Reba Paige, Cabramatta Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary
Telephone - (02) 9724 3381
Fax - (02) 9724 6056
Email -
Megarrity, Ms Alison Patricia, Menai Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - 9825 3653
Fax - 9825 4861
Email -
Merton, Mr Wayne Ashley, Baulkham Hills Electorate, Liberal Party
Telephone - (02) 9686 3110
Fax - (02) 9686 3212
Email -
Mills, Mr John Charles, Wallsend Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Chairman of Committees
Telephone - (02) 4950 0955
Fax - (02) 4950 0977
Email -
Moore, Ms Clover, Bligh Electorate, Independent
Telephone - (02) 9360 3053
Fax - (02) 9331 6963
Email -
Moppett, The Hon. Douglas Frederick, MLC, National Party
Telephone - (02) 9230 2977
[after hours media contact only 6824 2071]
Fax - (02) 9230 2053
Email -
Moss, Mr Kevin Joseph, Canterbury Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary
Telephone - (02) 9718 1234
Fax - (02) 9787 1999
Email -
Murray, The Hon. John Henry, Drummoyne Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Speaker
Telephone - (02) 9713 2999
Fax - (02) 9713 2911
Email -
Newell, Mr Neville Joseph, Tweed Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (07) 5523 4816
Fax - (07) 5523 4817
Email -
Nile, Reverend the Hon. Frederick John, MLC, Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)
Telephone - 9230 2132
Fax - 9230 2098
Email -
Nile, The Hon. Elaine Blanche, MLC, Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)
Telephone - 9230 2111
Fax - 9230 2098
Email -
Nori, The Hon. Sandra Christine, Port Jackson Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Small Business, and Minister for Tourism
Telephone - (02) 9660 7586
Fax - (02) 9660 6112
Email -
O'Farrell, Mr Barry Robert, Ku-ring-gai Electorate, Liberal Party
Telephone - (02) 9499 2280
Fax - (02) 9499 2281
Email - barry.o'
Oakeshott, Mr Robert James Murray, Port Macquarie Electorate, Independent
Telephone - (02) 6584 0977
Fax - (02) 6584 0978
Email -
Obeid, The Hon. (Eddie) Edward Moses, MLC, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Mineral Resources, and Minister for Fisheries
Telephone - 9230 2584
Fax - 9235 1207
Email -
Oldfield, The Hon. David Ernest, MLC, One Nation
Telephone - 9230 2083
Fax - 9230 3505
Email -
Orkopoulos, Mr Milton, Swansea Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 4972 1133
Fax - (02) 4972 1494
Email -
Page, Mr Donald Loftus, Ballina Electorate, National Party, Shadow Minister for Land and Water Conservation, Shadow Minister for Forestry
Telephone - (02) 6686 7522
Fax - (02) 6686 7470
Email -
Page, The Hon. (Ernie) Ernest Thomas, Coogee Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9389 6669
Fax - (02) 9387 8845
Email -
Pearce, The Hon. Gregory Stephen, MLC, Liberal Party
Telephone - 9230 2428
Fax - 9230 2767
Email -
Perry, Mrs Barbara Mazzel Anne, Auburn Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (61) (02) 9644 6972
Fax - (61) (02) 9644 8290
Email -
Pezzutti, The Hon. Dr Brian Patrick Victor, MLC, Liberal Party
Telephone - 9230 2322
Fax - 9230 2476 / 9230 2992
Email -
Piccoli, Mr Adrian, Murrumbidgee Electorate, National Party
Telephone - (02) 6962 6644
Fax - (02) 6962 7725
Email -
Price, Mr John Charles, Maitland Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Deputy Speaker
Telephone - (02) 4933 1617
Fax - (02) 4933 4782
Email -
Primrose, The Hon. Peter Thomas, MLC, Australian Labor Party, Government Whip
Telephone - 9230 2763 / 0418 617201
Fax - 9230 3390
Email -
Refshauge, The Hon. Dr Andrew John, Marrickville Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Deputy Premier, Minister for Planning, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and Minister for Housing
Telephone - (02) 9558 9000
Fax - (02) 9558 3653
Email -
Rhiannon, Ms Lee, MLC, The Greens
Telephone - 9230 3551, (Media enquiries: Dan Cass 0408468488)
Fax - 9230 3550
Email -
Richardson, Mr Michael John, The Hills Electorate, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Corrective Services, Shadow Minister for Housing
Telephone - (02) 9634 7474
Fax - (02) 9899 3340
Email -
Rozzoli, The Hon. Kevin Richard, Hawkesbury Electorate, Liberal Party
Telephone - (02) 4577 8922
Fax - (02) 4577 8013
Email -
Ryan, The Hon. John Francis, MLC, Liberal Party, Parliamentary Secretary to Leader of the Opposition
Telephone - 9230 2423
Fax - 9230 2992
Email -
Saffin, The Hon. Janelle Anne, MLC, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - 9230 3306
Fax - 9233 2993
Email -
Saliba, Ms Marianne Frances, Illawarra Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 4261 7171
Fax - (02) 4261 8433
Email -
Samios, The Hon. (Jim) James Miltiadis, MLC, Liberal Party, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party in the Legislative Council, Shadow Minister for Public Works and Services, Shadow Minister Assisting the Leader on Ethnic Affairs
Telephone - 9230 2111
Fax - 9230 2992
Email -
Scully, The Hon. Patrick Carl, Smithfield Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Transport, and Minister for Roads
Telephone - (02) 9726 8668
Fax - (02) 9728 4824
Email -
Seaton, Ms Peta Luise, Southern Highlands Electorate, Liberal Party
Telephone - (02) 4861 3623
Fax - (02) 4861 3546
Email -
Sham-Ho, The Hon. Helen Wai-Har, MLC, Independent
Telephone - 9230 2305
Media Contact: 0419 888 687
Fax - 9230 2918
Email -
Skinner, Mrs Jillian Gell, North Shore Electorate, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Health, Shadow Minister for Youth Affairs
Telephone - (02) 9909 2594
Fax - (02) 9909 2654
Email -
Slack-Smith, Mr Ian Lindsay, Barwon Electorate, National Party, Shadow Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Development, Shadow Minister for Regional Planning and Decentralisation
Telephone - (02) 6795 4163
Fax - (02) 6795 4159
Email -
Smith, Mr Russell Harold Lester, Bega Electorate, Liberal Party, Opposition Whip
Telephone - (02) 6492 2056
Fax - (02) 6492 3578
Email -
Smith, Mr Wayne Douglas, South Coast Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 4421 0222
Fax - (02) 4422 1180
Email -
Souris, The Hon. George, Upper Hunter Electorate, National Party, Leader of the National Party, Shadow Treasurer Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs and Services Shadow Minister for Gaming
Telephone - (02) 6543 1065
Fax - (02) 6543 1416
Email -
Stewart, Mr (Tony) Anthony Paul, Bankstown Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary
Telephone - (02) 9708 3838
Fax - (02) 9708 3960
Email -
Stoner, Mr Andrew John, Oxley Electorate, National Party, Shadow Minister for Sport and Recreation Shadow Minister for Emergency Services
Telephone - (02) 6562 6190
Fax - (02) 6563 1355
Email -
Tebbutt, The Hon. Carmel Mary, MLC, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Juvenile Justice, Minister Assisting the Premier on Youth, and Minister Assisting the Minister for the Environment
Telephone - 9230 2111
Fax - 9230 2993
Email -
Thompson, Mr George Edmund, Rockdale Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Government Whip
Telephone - (02) 9597 1414
Fax - (02) 9567 0508
Email -
Tingle, The Hon. John Saxon, MLC, Shooters Party
Telephone - 9230 2111
Fax - 9230 2613
Email -
Tink, Mr Andrew Arnold, Epping Electorate, Liberal Party, Shadow Minister for Police
Telephone - (02) 9877 0266
Fax - (02) 9877 0405
Email -
Torbay, Mr George Richard, Northern Tablelands Electorate, Independent
Telephone - (02) 6772 5552
Fax - (02) 6772 5026
Email -
Tripodi, Mr Joseph Guerino, Fairfield Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 9726 9323
Fax - (02) 9726 9783
Email -
Tsang, The Hon. Henry Shui-Lung, MLC, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - 9230 2209
Fax - 9230 3535
Email -
Turner, Mr John Harcourt, Myall Lakes Electorate, National Party, Deputy Leader of the National Party, Shadow Minister for Roads, Shadow Minister forTourism
Telephone - (02) 6555 4099
Fax - (02) 6555 4780
Email -
Turner, Mr Russell William, Orange Electorate, National Party
Telephone - (02) 6362 5199
Fax - (02) 6361 3922
Email -
Watkins, The Hon. John Arthur, Ryde Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Education and Training
Telephone - (02) 9808 3288
Fax - (02) 9877 6222
Email -
Webb, Mr Peter William, Monaro Electorate, National Party
Telephone - (02) 6299 4899
Fax - (02) 6297 9998
Email -
West, Mr Graham James, Campbelltown Electorate, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - (02) 4625 3344
Fax - (02) 4626 3640
Email -
West, The Hon. Ian William , MLC, Australian Labor Party
Telephone - 9230 2126
Fax - 9230 2993
Email -
Whelan, The Hon. Paul Francis Patrick, Strathfield Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Parliamentary Secretary
Telephone - (02) 9747 1711
Fax - (02) 9747 6054
Email -
Wong, The Hon. Dr Peter, MLC, Unity
Telephone - 9230 3523
Fax - 9230 3312
Email -
Woods, The Hon. Harry Francis, Clarence Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Regional Development, and Minister for Rural Affairs
Telephone - (02) 6643 1244
Fax - (02) 6642 7574
Email -
Yeadon, The Hon. Kimberley Maxwell, Granville Electorate, Australian Labor Party, Minister for Information Technology, Minister for Energy, Minister for Forestry, and Minister for Western Sydney
Telephone - (02) 9637 1656
Fax - (02) 9897 1434
Email -



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