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Heike Holstein
Irish Rider Wins Grand Prix Special - Lipica CDI*** Slovenia 8th June 2002

Irish international rider Heike Holstein won the Grand Prix Special class with Welt Adel at the Lipica CDI*** in Slovenia this afternoon. (Saturday 8th June 2002).

Speaking from the Lipica showgrounds a delighted Holstein stated that she was thrilled with the performance of her imposing 18 hh chestnut gelding Welt Adel (also known as "Tiny") as this was his first outing in a Grand Prix Special. Heike scored 66.12% to beat Russian rider Pavel Volkov and Manhatten with Philippe Jorissen and Forrester of Belgium in 3rd place.

International Dressage Competition
Grand Prix Special - 8/6/2002

1. WELT ADEL;Heike HOLSTEIN (IRL) - 66.12%
2. MANHATTEN;Pavel VOLKOV (RUS) - 64.00%
3. FORRESTER;Philippe JORRESSEN (BEL) - 62.48%
4. CRYSTAL;Anna IVANOVA (RUS) - 61.24%
5. BUKLET;Tatyana SLERTZOVA (RUS) - 60.60%
6. DOMBAY;Svetlana YEVSCHTCHIK (BLR) - 58.84%



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