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David Yurman Named Official Jewelry Designer of The Hampton Classic Horse Show

Bridgehampton, NY—May 30, 2002—The 27th annual Hampton Classic Horse Show, one of the nation’s premier show jumping competitions, is proud to announce that leading jewelry designer, David Yurman, is returning as the Official Jewelry Designer and Official Timepiece of the 2002 Hampton Classic Horse Show.

This year’s Classic, which takes place in Bridgehampton, NY on August 25 - September 1, hosts exciting hunter/jumper competition from junior levels up to the pinnacle of the sport, grand prix show jumping. The best riders of the sport, including Olympic medalists and World Cup winners, will be competing for the top prize in the featured class of the horse show, the $150,000 Prudential Financial Grand Prix.

David Yurman, a sponsor since 1996, will be presenting a hand-crafted and custom championship belt buckle to the winner of the $150,000 Prudential Financial Grand Prix. This special award presentation will follow the initial ribbon presentation. A “David Yurman” signature jump will be an integral part of the Grand Prix course, as well as courses for the $30,000 Adequan Grand Prix Qualifying Class, the $25,000 Sally Hansen Grand Prix, and the $25,000 Calvin Klein Show Jumping Derby.

“We are proud to once again bring together world-class jewelry and world-class equine competition,” said Yurman of the sponsorship. “We are also excited to be continuing our support of one of the finest horse shows in the country.”

For more information about the Hampton Classic be sure to visit the show’s website at or call 631-537-3177.


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