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HorseTV now on DirecTV and DISH in Southern California!

HorseTV is now available to the entire Los Angeles DMA of 5.3 million television homes. If you live in ANY of the seven counties outside of L.A. you can now pick up HorseTV on DirecTV and DISH through the local station option on both satellite systems through KVMD-TV, local channel 31 out of Twentynine Palms, California! For more information, contact KVMD-TV at 760-366-9881. They also accept local advertising for the L.A. area.


New Programming Expansion!

Starting June 1st, HorseTV will be expanding to the following 14 hours a week schedule (all times are EDT, so please adjust for your local time zone):

Each Sunday: 6pm to 8pm

Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 3pm to 5pm AND and 11:00pm to 1:00am with all different programming!


June Highlights!

HorseTV is pleased to announce the June 19th launch of the “Hollywood on Horses” television series featuring feature film star and serious horseman Tab Hunter as host. Join Tab as he visits famous movie and entertainment stars and their horses, including such diverse personalities as Robert Wagner, Zaa Zaa Gabor, Danny Glover, Ben Johnson, Juice Newton, Jill Ireland, James Woods, Bo Derek, and many, many more.

On Sunday, June 23, HorseTV will presents an exclusive, one hour special presentation and detailed, “behind-the-scenes” look at the 2002 Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials from the producers of “With Equestrian Tact . . .”. The program will examine the many factors that define the Badminton Horse Trials as the world's premier Three-Day Event. Interviews with the United States Equestrian Team's Capt. Mark Phillips, Amy Tryon, David O'Connor and Karen O'Connor are included in this very special Badminton coverage.

HorseTV is also pleased to announce the launch of the “Larry Trocha Cutting and Reining Horse Training Series.” Successful and well-known West Coast trainer presents a 26-week series on training cutting horses, from the very beginning steps of teaching respect and basics to young two year olds to the finished product. Concentrating on training his horses, and not often seen on the clinician circuits, this is a rare opportunity to watch a real pro in action.


New Advertisers!

Please welcome the following companies as supporters and advertisers on HorseTV! Watch for their ads, visit their websites, and buy their products . . . and especially let them known how great it is that they’re supporting HorseTV on the America One Television Network!

Wranger - Burlington - Rex Wheat - Dublin - Ariat Boots
Chinch - Vita-Flex - Soft Touch - Justin Boots

Here’s the direct link to the June Program Schedule online!

HorseTV -


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