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The King of Diamonds legend gets bigger and bigger.

Ado Annie {a 1993 Irish Sport Horse mare by Errigal Flight (ISH), out of Coolrain Princess (ISH), by Blue Henry (RID)} has added another win to her list of successes on the US circuit. Ridden by Will Simpson (USA), she won the Aon Reed Stenhouse 1.60m Jumper class at the Spruce Meadows CSI show on Thursday the 6th of June, 2002 bringing home $6000. She followed this on Sunday June 9th with a third place result in the Shell Cup Derby 1.50m Jumper, a category B FEI world ranking points competition, which won her $19,000. Ado Annie (ISH) was bred by Francis Sheeran, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. She was purchased by the Larkin brothers and then sold on as a four year old to the US.

Coming behind her in fourth position was Amos {a 1990 Irish Sport Horse gelding by Cavalier (Holst), out of Killestry Pride (ISH), by Ballinvella (TB) bred by Patrick Daly, Killestry, Co. Clare} ridden by Rich Fellers (USA) to win $15,500.

Ado Annie (ISH) also won the $35,000 Open Jumper class at the Devon Horse Show, Pennsylvania, USA. In the same class, Carling King {a 1991 Irish Sport Horse gelding by Clover Hill (RID), out of Gortnageer Star (ISH), by Chairlift (TB) bred by Dr. Pat Geraghty, Glenamaddy, Co. Galway} was ridden into 6th place by Kevin Babington.

CSIO Linz Austria 13-16 June 2002

Irish horses have been on form in Austria over the weekend starting with a win for Lismore Clover {a 1994 ISH mare by Clover Hill (RID), out of Lismore Lyric (ISH), by Holmacre (TB) bred by Dr. Patrick ONeill, Muckross, Donegal Town} and Lt. David OBrien on Friday, 14th June in the 1m45 speed class. The Irish team of OBOS Quality and Denis Coakley, Lismakin {a 1990 ISH gelding by Master Imp (TB), out of Erkina Queen (ISH), by King of Diamonds (RID) bred by Anne Downey, Portlaoise} and Lt. Shane Carey, Boherdeal Clover {a 1991 Approved ISH Stallion by Clover Hill (RID), out of Virginia Wolfa (ISH), by Regular Guy (TB) bred by Pamela Miller, Mount Cashel Stud, Roscommon} and Lt. David OBrien, and Waterford Crystal and Cian OConnor came fourth in the Samsung Nations Cup on Friday. This was followed on Saturday, June 15th with a win for Lismore Clover (ISH) and Lt. David OBrien, and second place for Killossery {a 1992 ISH gelding by Clover Hill (RID), out of Jeannie (ISH), by Radical (TB) bred by Killossery Lodge Stud, Killsallaghan, Co. Dublin} and Lt. Shane Carey in the 1m45 Fischer Brot Prize class. Tell the Difference {ISH by Clover Hill (RID), out of Raheen (ISH) by Nordlys (TB) bred by Catherine Kenny, Deerpark, Belmont, Co. Offaly} was placed eighth in the same class. Lt. Shane Carey proceeded to come third with Laughton Lass {a 1992 ISH by John Henry (TB), out of Laughton Poynt (ISH), by Poynton (TB) bred by John Troy, Lucan, Co. Dublin} in the 1m50 Championat der Stadt Linz competition in a field of 36 starters. Finally, on Sunday June 16th, Killossery (ISH) and Lt.
Shane Carey won the 1m50 Preis der Fa. Equester Final (Small Tour) class taking home 1,235 Euro in prize money.

British National Championships

Killossery Aero Flyer won the Charles Owen British National Championships at Sansaw Park Horse Trials ridden by 14 year old Sarah Glynn of Killossery Lodge Stud, Killsallaghan, Co. Dublin. In fourth position after the dressage, the pair jumped a pressurised clear round in a very tight competition to win them the Pony Champions title. This success follows their win at Ashmount this year and third place with the Irish Eventing Championship team in the European Pony Championships, Spain.

Another Irish bred pony, Harry Hotshot, took second place with his English rider Tamsyn Hutchins while Billy Joe Bob and Tara Morrison came fourth.


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