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The Spanish Horse
Made for & by a King
King Philip II in 1567

We are pleased to announce that the long awaited 3rd edition of Juan Carlos Altamirano's "The History and Origins of the Spanish Horse" is now available..

This book will silence the loud and patient crys for a translated format. Non Spanish speakers will now have the opportunity to read and relish the information gleaned from Sr. Altamirano's patient and intense study of the origin of the Spanish Horse as this edition is bilingual - Spanish / English.

horse This edition, following the author's tradition of outstanding quality and presentation contains more than 100 pictures of Spanish Horses taken by some of the best photographers in the world...

The Spanish press considered and proclaimed the first edition of this book to be a classic and has described it as; of genius, revolutionary, magnificent, extraordinary, a revelation etc. the press, radio and television and equine journals, magazines and associations throughout the world of the Spanish Horse, have done extensive reviews and commentaries as well..

This book, backed by the original document empirically proves tat the Spanish Horse is not a product of natural evolution as has been promolgated and accepted until now, but is the fruit of the first grand genetic-cultural project in history. This project, begun in 1567, was undertaken and completed in the city of Cordoba.

This decision of King Philip II to create the perfect horse and the road to this achievement is meticulously described by the author in a very detailed and documented presentation. We now have a history of the origin of the Spanish Horse, the reasons which lead to his creation and the why and how of his existence..


This book exhibited by the Spanish Government at the international fairs of :: El Cairo, La Habana, Bruselas, Praga, Harare (Zimbabwe), Sao Paulo, Beijing y Casablanca, etc... , Has received numerous reviews from the press - several quotations from press releases are listed below.

Debrett's Equestrian World ( p.88, 1997) (England)
"A new study (History and origins of the Spanish horse) has revolutionized our knowledge of the origins of the Spanish horse."

U.S. & New World Report (April, p. XVIII, 1997) (United States)
"In his book History and origins of the Spanish horse, Juan Carlos Altamirano clearly shows how the breed as we know it today was started by Philip II in 1567."

Todo Caballo (vol. 2, nº. 3, pp. 6-13,1999) (Spain)
"After having remained hidden for 430 years, light has finally been shed on the history of the purebred Spanish horse, thanks to painstaking research of all documents related to the breed since its creation in Cordoba in 1567. The author has revolutionized our knowledge regarding the origins of the Spanish horse."

Pura Raza ( nº. 7, pp. 23-32, 1999) (Spain)
"Some words about the magnificent book by Juan Carlos Altamirano"
History and origins of the Spanish horse.
"With both the meticulous and rigorous analysis of documents on which he based his research and the anthropological and historical scope of his two books, Juan Carlos Altamirano has given the world of the Spanish horse a 180º turn."

Ganadero (vol. 14, nº. 3, pp. 70-73, 1999) (Mexico)
"The contents of this book have revolutionized our knowledge of the origins of the Spanish horse. It tells the story of the extraordinary creation, by and for King Philip II of Spain, of a new breed of horses."

Magazine of the Andalusian association of breeders of Spanish horses (nº.4, pp. 47-53, 1999) (Spain)
"The importance of the research Juan Carlos Altamirano presents in this book History and origins of the Spanish horse stems from the fact that he is the first to have demonstrated, on the basis of original unpublished documents, that the Spanish horse was not simply discovered, as has been upheld until now, but was the result of a project ordered by Philip II of Spain and carried out in Cordoba during the 16th century."

La Opinión (October 7, 1999) (Spain)
"Juan Carlos Altamirano, of Malaga, has proved that the Spanish horse is not the result of the evolution of the species, but rather the creation of Philip II. (...) Following 15 years of research during which he analyzed over 50,000 documents, he has discovered that the purebred Spanish horse is not the result of evolution nor a derivation of Carthusian horses, but rather a unique breed specially designed for that king."

AEHCOS MAGAZINE (December, 2000 Spain)
"If there was anyone who could discover the secrets of the Spanish horse breed, that was Juan Carlos Altamirano. Books, conferences in the whole world and endless interviews mark the career of this malagueño expert, who has dedicated more than fifteen years of his life to knock myths and to construct a solid base upon which to reconstruct the true history of one of the most endurable and fascinating symbols of the empire of Felipe II.
For many years, Jerez de la Frontera has proclaimed itself to be the cradle of the Spanish horse. So successful was the marketing of this Andalusian city that it was an accepted fact that the cartujano horse was the origin of the Spanish horse. This was not the only extended fallacy, as it was also assumed (even by famous professors) that the Spanish horse was a product of the natural evolution of the species, that is to say, it used Darwin`s theory to explain its uniqueness. But there were some incongruences and too many contradictions on this hypothesis. The detailed and documented study of the true origin of the Spanish horse proved that we have one of the first genetic experiments in history, which resulted in the perfect horse (according to GrecoLatin doctrine) thanks to king Felipe II and his royal stables of Cordoba. This documented contribution knocks the theory that the horses of the "bocado" line proceed from the cartujano horses. Thus, the existence of which comes only, as has been proven, from inventiveness and a certain economic interest."

Diario de Córdoba (November 15, 1999) (Spain)
With reference to the book History and origins of the Spanish horse.
"Coinciding with the 400th anniversary of the death of Philip II, during which we are reminded of his life and achievements, this book reveals a less well known aspect of his reign: in Cordoba (Spain) he had different types of horses crossbred for the purpose of creating a new breed called the Spanish horse."

The Spanish Horse
The Royal Stables

Note: In the United States and Canada this book can be acquired through: La Tienda Espanola - . You can reserve your book now and expect delivery within 30 days.
If you would like to have this book or any other of Sr Altamirano's publications signed by the author with a personal inscription for you, order your book today.
La Editorial

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