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Upcoming Events At The College E.C.

02/07/02 BSJA Seniors
03/07/02 Mia Korenika SJ Clinic
05/07/02 British Dressage Premier Show
06/07/02 British Dressage Premier Show
07/07/02 British Dressage Premier Show
09/07/02 Unaffiliated Dressage
10/07/02 British Dressage
13/07/02 Morgan Horse Show
14/07/02 Morgan Horse Show
14/07/02 Showing
16/07/02 BSJA Seniors
20/07/02 Unaffiliated Show Jumping
20/07/02 BSJA Seniors
21/07/02 BSJA Seniors multi arena
23/07/02 Unaffiliated Dressage
24/07/02 British Dressage
27/07/02 British Dressage
28/07/02 British Dressage
31/07/02 Unaff.SJ Trailblazers 2nd Round
03-04/08/02 Carriage Driving Trial
03/08/02 Search for a Star
04/08/02 Dressage to Music
05/08/02 Fizz Coaching Clinic
06/08/02 Unaffiliated Dressage
07/08/02 British Dressage
09/08/02 Side Saddle Association
10/08/02 Side Saddle Association
11/08/02 Side Saddle Association
13/08/02 BSJA Seniors
14/08/02 Unaffiliated Show Jumping
17/08/02 British Dressage Regional
18/08/02 British Dressage Regional
20/08/02 Unaffiliated Dressage
21/08/02 British Dressage
24/08/02 BSJA Juniors
25/08/02 BSJA Juniors
26/08/02 BSJA Area 31 Seniors
27/08/02 BSJA Seniors
28/08/02 Unaffiliated Show Jumping
31/08/02 BD inc Horslyx Champs
01/09/02 BD inc Horslyx Champs
03/09/02 Unaffiliated Dressage
04/09/02 British Dressage
07/09/02 Drivers Dream W.end
08/09/02 Drivers Dream W.end
10/09/02 BSJA Seniors
11/09/02 Mia Korenika SJ Clinic
14/09/02 Unaffiliated Dressage
15/09/02 British Dressage
16/09/02 Fizz Coaching Clinic
17/09/02 Unaffiliated Dressage
18/09/02 British Dressage
21/09/02 Unaffiliated Show Jumping
22/09/02 BSJA Seniors
28/09/02 Unaffiliated Derby
29/09/02 BSJA Senior Derby

The College E C
Church Road
Bedford MK44 2JP
tel / fax 01234 708400


Find out more, visit the links page or find answers on the message board.


Copyright 1994 to 2024 Equiworld at Hayfield, Aberdeen, Scotland - 30 years on the web. Archived Version.