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horse Presents the horse in Art & Gifts

A new UK company was launched successfully at Equus this April offering what will always be one of the largest diverse online catalogues full of presents and gift ideas because many of the items for sale are totally unique artists work, perhaps antique stock pins, or sourced from different parts of the world. From toys :with hand made suede and leather hobby horses , to books and cards, to jewellery including a huge range of stock pins, sculptures and lamps. You will even find jokey Welsh chocolate sweets and if you only want a card or two there is no standard P&P so it won't cost you a fortune !

From an arts & crafts background combined with a love of horses this site is much more than a shop, other artists are positively encouraged to join and display their talents. For example at Hickstead Sally Reece will be working on the stand for two days creating beautiful horses from lumps of grey clay! How these are turned into full bronze statues come and see. Demonstrations of modern china painting techniques will also be on show at Hickstead. Details of venues are on the site and do not hesitate to stop and chat , this is an ideal opportunity for discussing with no obligation ideas for commissions, or simply enjoy watching or learning especially if you are doing art at GCSE or AS this year! If you are often searching for something a little bit different for either yourself or friends this is a site to watch as new artists and ideas are added. However this does not mean it is not up to date as the latest technology takes care with secure on line card processing and order tracking for you.


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