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Hilton Herbs Alfred's Tower Ride
9/10 August 2003
FEI 140KM 3 Star and FEI 100KM 2 Star Plus British Riding Club's Team Endurance Challenge


THE first prize in the Hilton Herbs Alfreds Tower ride will be automatic entry to the $US 200,000 President's Cup in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates in March 2004.

The entry to the prestigious CEI 4 star 160km event will include all expenses for the horse, rider and guest for up to one month over the period of the ride.

The prize is at the invitation of HH Sheikh Mansoor and has been arranged through the Abu Dhabi-based Endurance World magazine which has also donated sponsorship funding to the Alfred's Tower event.

The announcement follows the selection of Alfred's Tower as one of three rides in Europe from which the winner will win the chance to compete in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Tony Self of ride sponsor Hilton Herbs said: "We are delighted with the link up between the Hilton Herbs Alfred's Tower Ride and the UAE President's Cup. The first prize of a chance to compete in such a prestigious race is sure to attract a strong international field. The selection of the Hilton Herbs Alfred's Tower ride as a qualifier for the President's Cup confirms its status as the premier ride in the UK in 2003."

John Hudson, Hilton Herbs Alfred's Tower organiser and chairman of Endurance GB, said: "This is an exciting development for the ride and for endurance riding in the UK. We are hopeful of attracting some of Europe's best riders."

Hilton Herbs sponsored rider and British team rider Jane James, who has competed in the UAE, said: "Competing in the desert is an amazing experience and I would advise anyone who gets the chance to go for it - it is unforgettable!

The first prize in the second class, the FEI 100km 2 star event, will be an endurance saddle valued at £1,500 donated by Gaston Mercier, a leading saddler in France and former European champion.

Contact: John Hudson +44 (0) 1398 332089 (mobile) +44 (0) 7779 797170 Email: www:

Note to Editors: The Hilton Herbs Alfred's Tower Endurance Ride will take place from the National Trust's Stourhead House and Gardens near Mere in Wiltshire.
The British Riding Club's Team Endurance Challenge takes place on Sunday 10 August enabling Riding Clubs affiliated to the British Horse Society to enter teams of three or four to compete in the BRC's Team Endurance Challenge.


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