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horse British Horse Society AGM celebrates another successful year

The British Horse Society AGM, held yesterday (26 June) at Saddlers' Hall in London and chaired by the Society's President, HRH The Princess Royal, celebrated yet another year of success.

In her address to Society members The Princess Royal commented that it was difficult to plan ahead as the future was currently less predictable than before, with changes occurring all the time. She was encouraged by the existence of more partnerships and collaborations within the horse world, and the accessibility to more funds. However, Her Royal Highness said that none of this changed the fundamental role of the BHS which was a very important part of the network. The Princess Royal congratulated the Society on increasing its membership and the volunteers on an incredibly constructive year.

Award of Merit recipients (l to r): Di Amies, Captain Richard Waygood, Grizel Sackville Hamilton, HRH The Princess Royal, Barbara Brereton, Dr Lesley Cook
Photo credit Matt Fowler Photography

The BHS Chief Executive, Kay Driver, highlighted the recently published 'So what did The British Horse Society do last year?' leaflet which publicises much of the work of the Society and its ongoing success.

Long standing Board of Trustees' member, Dr Harry Greenway, was successfully re-elected to the Board with three new members being elected; Elizabeth Akenhead, Alison Fuller and Stephen Pryde.

Following the AGM Awards of Merit were presented by the Society's President to Diana Amies, Barbara Brereton, Dr Lesley Cook and Captain Richard Waygood. Evan Coward was sadly unable to attend the AGM and had been presented with his Award earlier. The British Riding Clubs' Life Vice President Award was presented to Grizel Sackville Hamilton.


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