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Charity saves mare and foal from certain death

An emaciated mare, who was barely able to stand and her newly born foal have been saved from certain death by The Blue Cross animal welfare charity.

Marie Claire, an emaciated, lice-ridden and worm-infested mare had unexpectedly just given birth in a puddle to a tiny foal when her owner decided that both mother and daughter should be shot. The attending vet tipped off the local Blue Cross centre and Manager Liz Grant rushed to the scene and took both mare and filly foal to the safety of The Blue Cross small animal and equine adoption centre in Northiam, West Sussex.

The mare, estimated to be about seven-years-old, was in such a weak state, with severely protruding bones, hairless skin and extremely overgrown feet, that it seemed unlikely she or the foal, named Sesame, would survive. Fortunately the expertise and round-the-clock care given by staff at The Blue Cross, together with Marie Claire’s determination to feed her small foal have enabled them to begin the slow process of recovery. Centre staff slept in the stable alongside Marie Claire and Sesame keeping watch over their precarious condition.

Liz Grant, centre manager of The Blue Cross Northiam centre says: “This is the worst case of emaciation I have ever seen in my nine years of working in animal welfare. Marie Claire’s case is even more horrific because throughout her suffering she was struggling so hard to sustain her foal.”

Emma Rooke, the veterinary surgeon who notified The Blue Cross and helped to transport to mare to safety, adds: “It defies belief that in today’s society we can allow an animal to reach such a tragic state. The mare and foal deserved a chance and thankfully in the capable hands of The Blue Cross, Marie Claire and Sesame now have every likelihood of making a complete recovery.”

The Blue Cross is Britain's pet charity, providing information, advice and practical support for pet and horse owners. Through its network of animal adoption centres it rehomes thousands of animals each year. Its hospitals provide veterinary care for the pets of people who cannot afford private vets' fees.


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