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Certified Horsemanship Association National Conference
October 23 - 26, 2003 - Ward, Colorado outside of Boulder and Estes Park

Denver, CO (May 2003) - The Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) International Annual Conference will be held October 23 - 26, 2003 at Glacier View Ranch in Ward, Colorado just outside of Boulder and Estes Park near the Rocky Mountain National Park.

The conference is open to the public and includes mounted workshops for participants, lessons on great performance horses from master level certified instructors and round pen demonstrations. Topics for this year's event include: saddle fit, reining, dressage, chiropractic care for horses, equine first aid, dentistry, vaulting, Feldenkreis therapy, conditioning the endurance horse, fundraising, grant writing, nutrition, harnessing and driving, leather working, farrier science, riders with disabilities, overnight camping with horses, packing and much more!

National clinician Julie Goodnight will be presenting on Herd Management, Round Pen Reasoning, Rein and Leg Aids Made Easy, and Fear Management in Riders to name a few. Purina Mills influential Van Hargis will be conducting sessions on Colt Starting and Understanding Collection, Flexion and Suppleness in Your Horse.

There will be a tour of local Colorado camps and equestrian facilities and the Rocky Mountain National Park is only a short drive away.

The full conference including all meals and lodging is in between $290 - $500 based on the number of people in a room for a non-member and in between $250 and $450 for a CHA member. CHA membership is $35 a year. The daily rate is $60 and includes lunch. Walk-ins are welcome for daily rate participants. The deadline is October 1st for those staying for the entire conference.

The mission of CHA is to promote excellence in safety and education for the benefit of individuals and group riding programs. CHA certifies instructors and trail guides, accredits equestrian facilities and provides support and educational resources. For more information on the Certified Horsemanship Association and to register for the annual conference, please visit, email or call toll free 800-399-0138.


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