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Irish Rider 4th In Grand Prix Speciale
Lipica CDI*** Slovenia - 31st May 2003

Irish rider Heike Holstein placed 4th the Grand Prix Speciale at the international dressage show in Lipica, Slovenia today (Staurday May 31st 2003). Riding Welt Adel she scored 64.76%. The class was won by British rider Carl Hester and Escapado on a score of 67.92%.

International Dressage Competition
Grand Prix Speciale

1. ESCAPADO;Carl HESTER;(GBR) 67.92%
2. ROMANOV;Elena SIDNEVA;(RUS) 66.52%
3. PRINCE BALOU GFD;Dominique D'ESME;(FRA) 65.48%
4. WELT ADEL;Heike HOLSTEIN;(IRL) 64.76%
5. ROMARIO;Silvia IKLE;(SUI) 64.12%


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