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Fidelity Investments Awards CNB, The Comcast Network, Exclusive Rights To 2003 Grand Prix

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2003 Fidelity Investments AGA Grand Prix Airs on CN8, SATURDAY, October 4, 2003, 12:30-1:30 PM/ET

South Hamilton, MA (June 5, 2003) -- The Fidelity Investments Jumper Classic has announced that CN8, The Comcast Network will be televising the 2003 $50,000 Fidelity Investments AGA Grand Prix. The $50,000 Fidelity Investments AGA Grand Prix is the climax of the 14th annual Fidelity Investments Jumper Classic, which will take place September 3-7 at the Myopia Schooling Fields, in South Hamilton, Mass. The Fidelity Grand Prix airs exclusively on CN8, The Comcast Network, SATURDAY, October 4, 12:30-1:30 PM/ET.

“Our exclusive broadcast of The Fidelity Grand Prix demonstrates the network’s goal to broadcast world-class sporting events important to New Englanders,” stated Jon Gurevitch, Vice President, CN8 Sports. “Our viewers know that CN8 is the place to tune-in to see exclusive sports coverage and in-person interviews with the athletes and coaches making headlines in sports news.”

CN8, The Comcast Network reaches 6.2 million homes in eight states from Maine to Maryland. The coverage area includes viewers in Boston, Providence, Springfield, Hartford/New Haven, New York, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Baltimore.

The CN8 Sports team in New England provides a wide variety of coverage of professional, collegiate, and high school athletics. On weeknights at 10:00 PM/ET, CN8 airs “Sports Pulse,” a live, one-hour program devoted to the New England sports scene, followed by the network’s Emmy Award-winning “Lou Tilley’s Sports Connection” at 11:00 PM-12:00 AM/ET, Monday through Thursday.

Thrilling jumper action takes place Wednesday through Sunday at the Jumper Classic. Competition throughout the week will feature the country’s top junior, amateur, and professional riders. In addition to the AGA Grand Prix, one of 33 member events of the American Grandprix Association, the Classic will also host a $5,000 EMO/General Star Show Jumping Hall of Fame Junior/Amateur Classic.

For more information on The Fidelity Jumper Classic please visit


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