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Scottish Pairs Championships

In glorious sunshine the second Mounted Games Association (Scotland) Scottish Pairs Championships were held at Vogrie Park, Midlothian, as a one-day competition.

Two separate competitions for junior (under 17) and open riders took place with finals in the afternoon.
In the junior competition after the morning session Kelly Quinn and Vicky Riva were on 28 points, with Carol Scott and Katie Hancox and Lisa Burns and Callum Evans both on 24 points.
Riders were close thereafter with just three points seperating three pairs.

Scottish pairs open champions Leanne and Kelly Quinn (left), long-time
mounted games supporter Wilson Atchison with runners up Gwen Smith and
Leanne Skelly

In the afternoon Kelly and Vicky led from the start to win, dropping just three points to take the overall title. Nonetheless it was not easy for Kelly and Vicky with Edinburgh riders Carol and Katie pushing them all the way to the final race. In third place, two marks adrift was Lisa Burns and Callum Evans, Callum making a welcome return back to competition after breaking some bones in his foot earlier this year.

Junior Scottish Pairs champions (l-r) Kelly Quinn and Vicky Riva with
Wilson Atchison

In the open competition Kelly paired up with older sister Leanne to take the open title, East Ayrshire riders' Gwen Smith and Leanne Skelly ran out second only a few marks away. Thanks go to MGA Chairman Bruce Nicol for starting and organising the competition, and to Mark and Caroline Ritchie for maintaining the equipment.

1. Kelly Quinn and Vicky Riva
2. Carol Scott and Katie Hancox
3. Callum Evans and Lisa Burns
4. Scott Gibson and Bryce Cunningham
5. Kyrstin Cunningham and Hazel Gibson
6. Neah Evans and Sharron Tait
7. Tammy McWilliam and Claire Geddes

1. Kelly and Leanne Quinn
2. Gwen Smith and Leanne Skelly
3. Vicky and Jenny Riva
4. Melanie and David Scott


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