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Keep your canines cool this summer!

To help keep your pets cool in the summer, Puddle Pet Care, the friendly on-line pet shop is now selling a range of exciting Cooling Doggie Bandannas and Cooling Mats.

Imported from the US, COOLDANNAT pet cooling products are designed to provide instant cooling relief for dogs in hot environments. The bandannas contain super absorbent crystals that will absorb over 1000 times their own weight in water. Simply soak the bandanna in water and put loosely around neck of your dog to provide cooling relief on hot days.

The bandannas and cooling mats are made from a soft, comfortable fabric that enhances evaporation and cooling. The Pet Cooling Products are a great way to 'air condition' your best friend and keep them ultracool when the temperature rises.

If you are taking your pets on holiday with you, Puddle Pet Care recommends you use sunscreen made specifically for dogs and cats. Petscreen SPF 23 provides an effective sunscreen preparation for your pets. The non-greasy base of Petscreen SPF 23 is designed to be easily applied and to evaporate quickly, leaving an invisible film of sunscreen chemicals on the skin.

Founder of Puddle Pet Care Kathy Newman comments:" It's not only humans who can feel the effects of the heat and sun. Dogs and cats, in particular those with white ears or light coloured skin are susceptible to sun burn. If a pet has poorly-pigmented areas of skin, along with a thin or absent covering of hair they could need protection."

Puddle Pet Care also supplies an extensive range of goods, from practical items such as beds, door flaps, kennels and grooming products, to fun items such as activity centres, rat hammocks, treats and toys as well as specialist items such as dog agility equipment. For further information and a list of all products including those mentioned above is available visit: <>.


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