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Equine Images Magazine Wins AHP and PIAS Awards Of Excellence

LEXINGTON, KY-- Equine Images magazine, published by Blood-Horse Publications, recently received three prestigious awards: a "General Excellence" award and the "Overall Publication General Excellence" award from American Horse Publications (AHP); and an "Award of Excellence" from the Printing Industry Association of the South (PIAS).

American Horse Publications is a non-profit professional association dedicated to promoting better understanding and communication within the equine publishing industry. More than 50 equine magazines competed for the AHP's Overall Publication General Excellence award. The PIAS Awards recognize and honor those responsible for the creation, design, and production of top-quality printed materials.

"We are excited and delighted that Equine Images has been so richly recognized and honored by these distinguished organizations," said Raymond S. Paulick, editorial director of Blood-Horse Publications, which purchased Equine Images in 2001. "Our creative team has done a remarkable job over the past year in redesigning and redefining Equine Images into a magazine that truly celebrates the art and culture of the horse."

Blood-Horse Publications also publishes The Blood-Horse, the Thoroughbred industry's number one and only international weekly news and information magazine for racing and breeding; The Horse, a monthly magazine devoted to equine health care; TBH MarketWatch, a newsletter for Thoroughbred investors; the official Kentucky Derby and World Thoroughbred Championship/Breeders' Cup souvenir magazines; and the award-winning Keeneland magazine. In addition, Blood-Horse Publications operates a family of award-winning Web sites including,, and Its award-winning equine book division, Eclipse Press, has published more than 70 titles.

For more information on Equine Images magazine, visit:


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