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Irish Arabian cross looking good in Texas

He still growing and therefore there is no reason to believe that Scotty owned by Debby Hall of Amarillo Texas is going to be anything less than a fantastic sport horse. At 15.3 hands, Scotty, by the Irish Draught Stallion O'Leary's Irish Diamond, is proving the nay sayers wrong.
"Why wouldn't a cross that that has been used for years with the continental Warmbloods in Europe work in a cross with an Irish Draught," asked Jim Leary, the owner of O'Leary's Irish Diamond.
"He fixed the hind quarter, put bone on Scotty and gave him a very good mind. What more does one want?" he added. "With the refinement and stamina of the Arabian one should bet a great sport horse," he added.
Though Hall has been cautioned by Leary that it is difficult to get approval for breeding as an Irish Sport Horse, she has not given up on her dream that her beloved Scotty deserves acceptance by the Irish Horse Board as an approved Irish Sport Horse Stallion.
"Debby is one of my most determined breeders," he said. "She transported Scotty to my farm for my inspection. Though, he was very nice, I did nothing to encourage her in her quest for the eventual approval as an Irish Sport Horse Stallion. I advised her that he should be special." "I told her there are many good stallions, that would be great geldings." "Good stallions don't improve the horse, great stallions improve the horse."
If Scotty is a good or a great stallion will be determined first by his performance. Next it will be determined by his offspring. Hall has agreed to put Scotty into competition in Sport Horse events before seeking approval as an Irish Sport Horse stallion by the Irish Horse Board.
When Leary purchased O'Leary's Irish Diamond from William Kennedy in Ireland, he asked Kennedy if his sire, Glidawn Diamond, had been put to any Arabian Mares. Kennedy said he bred one Arabian mare. He said at foaling the foal was the size of a rabbit. However, at 4 years age it was 16 hands and is now a very successful jumper in Spain.
When Leary first agreed to breed to Hall's Arabian mare he broached the subject with some self proclaimed experts from the Irish Draught Horse Society in America. "This extremely skinny woman from the society said it was tried in England and it didn't work." "She was constantly sucking on a cigarette and as her mouth continued to rattle, I knew she knew little and I agreed to breed to Hall's mare," added Leary.
Hall has taken the colt to several professionals who have advised her there is no reason to believe he isn't something special Also it is important to know, that Scotty was larger than a rabbit at foaling.

Debby Hall and Scotty above. Hall has kept her three-year-old whole, in hopes of having the first Irish Sport Horse stallion in America to be actually approved by the Irish Horse Board in testing by the Board in America.


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