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San Patrignano CSI-A (ITA)

Equestrian sport against drugs and social outcasting

First Dutch success at San Patrignano

It is a Dutch rider, Eric van deer Vleuten, the winner the second day's opening competition at the San Patrignano CSI-A: the American Properties Prize, a two-phase-class reserved for 7 years old young horses. On his grey mare Sissi van der Vleuten carried aut a very fast round which allowed him to overcome the Italian Gianni Govoni who at last classified second on his chestnut stallion Bablu. With his performance Govoni consolidates the second place he achieved yesterday, showing up even here at San Patrignano that growing top form, which brought him lately into the first 50 world rankings. Third came the strongest rider partecipating in the CSI-A, Ludo Philippaerts, number 4 in the world rankings, who presented in the arena the promising chestnut Hymen. The fourth and the fifth place went respectively to another "azzurro", Roberto Arioldi, aboard Anton 92, and to the Swiss Willi Melliger on Liquido
After the competition John Roche, head of the Department for show-jumping of the international federation, has confirmed the international experts' positive valutations as to the Challenge dedicated to the community founder, Vincenzo Muccoli, by emphasizing the social value of the event: San Patrignano's show-jumping is an event communicating something beyond its sport meaning: everything here is carried out so well. It takes only one look at the perfect ground condition even after a whole week's rain.


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