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Racing goes Magnetic

Dubai Thoroughbred Racing have had great success using the Armadillo Magnetic Rug. Owners of the brilliant Dubaian Gift, one of the fastest horses over 5 furlongs in the country, Dubai Thoroughbred Racing have been thrilled with the results.

Many racehorses have cold backs and require walking around or even lunging before the rider can mount. More still come out of the stable stiff and it takes a few minutes for the horse to ease. By using magnets, the horse does not use up precious energy warming up.

Magnets applied directly to the problem area increase the circulation, flush away the toxins and eliminate pain or muscle spasm. Used for injuries to tendons, ligaments and bones magnets can reduce healing time by up to 33%. They are also used for chronic conditions like arthritis, and to reduce the risk of injury by warming up and cooling down the muscles, before and after exercise.


Armadillo's Magnetic Rug allows you to position the magnets exactly where they are needed, enabling larger yards to purchase only a few sizes of rug to cover all their horses. They simply re-position the magnets for each horse's requirements.

Armadillo have incorporated all the features you would expect from a high quality rug - anti-rub front, anti-rattle clips and superb quality cotton. The inner lining is viscose, making the rug lightweight, breathable and wicking, with an added feature of being 100% machine washable, including the magnets.

Each Rug comes with 10 removable Velcro magnets. The inside of the rug is lined with a Velcro-compatible material, so you can stick your magnets securely ANYWHERE on the inside of the rug - Magnotherapy exactly where it is needed.

RRP £174.95 including 10 magnets
Available from your local tack shop or from
" Jumper's Horseline (01793) 859640
" Shires Equestrian (01568) 613600
Or contact Armadillo Products Tel: 01980 629796

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