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horse Fenland Bridleways Association's Grand Equestrian Indoor Boot Sale

On Saturday 26 July, Fenland Bridleways Association (FBA) are holding an Equestrian Boot Sale and Tack marking session at The Mission Hall, Wicken, Cambridgeshire. The sale is open from 2pm-5pm and everyone is welcome. All money raised will go to support local access projects.

Any one interested in trading on the day should contact Louise Fuller (tel: 01353 721756) in advance, as trading places are limited. Table prices are £15 plus £7.50 non-members and £ 3.00 FBA members.

Are you interested in becoming a member of the Fenland Bridleways Association? As a member you can take part and enjoy some of exciting annual events such as Summer BBQ's, jumping days and Christmas dinner as well as other fundraising events including Horsey Bring and Buy Sales. Regular meetings take place to which everyone is welcome. For further information please contact: Louise Fuller: tel: 01353 721756


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