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Brumby Adoption Day At Glenworth Valley
13th July

Brumby Protection Group will be holding an Adoption Day at Glenworth Valley in Peats Ridge at 10am on Sunday 13th July 2003. The brumbies on offer are not just any brumbies, they are Walers, the war horses of World War 1 who have come from a property in the Northern Territory.


Six colts, four fillies and one adult mare will be offered for adoption with prices starting at $600. Please visit our website for adoption and sale day rules. One very special foal will be made available only to Waler Society members, with applications accepted on the day. All other horses adopted through a lottery system.

These horses are some of the last free-roaming Walers left in this country, and all reports conclude they make calm and reliable mounts. All horses are offered halter trained.

So come on down and see some real brumbies!

For more information please visit


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