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Equestrian Art at Burghley House

In time for the Burghley Horse Trials, a small exhibition of equestrian paintings and drawings from the Burghley House Collection will be on view in the magnificent Great Hall. The exhibition gives visitors a chance to see some exceptional equestrian art by some of the best known artists in this field including Henry Alken Jnr., John Ferneley Snr., and John Frederick Herring, which are not usually on view in the State Rooms. Due to the Cecil family’s association with racing, this theme dominates the exhibition and among the paintings on view many are of race horses as well as hunting scenes and the Burghley Horse Trials. The paintings cover the period from the early 19th Century to the present day.

In recent years, evidence has been found that there was a racecourse on the Burghley Estate in the early 1600’s, but it was the 2nd Marquess of Exeter, who was particularly known for his love of racing. He owned and trained many racehorses (and invented the racing colours), and commissioned paintings of many of his favourite horses. Sadly, his hobby meant that he greatly overspent and when he died in 1867 this resulted in the closure of the Stamford racecourse.

The exhibition will be in the Great Hall and runs from the 28th August to 26th October 2003. Admission to the exhibition is free as part of the tour around the house. The Burghley Horse Trials take place from the 4th to the 7th September. Burghley House will be closed on the 6th September, but open everyday until 26th October from 11am to 4.30 pm. / telephone 01780 752451/ email:
Admission Charges: Adults £7.50; Retired visitors £6.80; Adult Party (20 or more) £6.50 each
One child (5-12) free with each paying adult, otherwise £3.70 each
School groups of children (up to 14 years) £3.40 each


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