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Jack Pollard, GIHT Exec.

Georgia International Horse Trials Hires H&N Equestrian Productions

Georgia International Horse Trials (GIHT) announced today that it has hired H&N Equestrian Productions to provide its media services. The inaugural four-star three-day event (CCI****) to be held in the fall of 2005 has begun its public relations campaign to launch the second only North America championship event at the highest level in the sport of eventing. With only five competitions on the international calendar, GIHT is in a unique position to expand the sport not only in North America but also across the globe.

Executive Director, Jack Pollard commented, “As a new event we recognize the importance of launching the Georgia International Horse Trials on the world stage to inform, entertain and educate both the equestrian and non-equestrian public. Our priority is to attract support from local to international audiences; from patrons to sponsors, volunteers to community groups with the goal of reaching as wide a public as possible. We are passionate about expanding this thrilling sport and provide a great competition not least of all for the horses and riders. The team at H&N brings the extensive experience that an event of this caliber requires and we look forward to working with them.”

H&N is developing a PR strategy that will deliver a unique program of innovations to establish the Georgia International Horse Trials on the world stage. Chris Stafford, H&N Media Director, said, “We are delighted to be involved with the event from the beginning and to have the opportunity of bringing a new dimension to the sport. This is an exciting time for eventing in this country to be able to offer two major competitions at this level.”


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