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Hampton Classic Hosts Annual Corporate Sponsor Workshop for more than 100 at Tavern on the Green

Marketing Intensive Session Focused onReturn on Sponsorship Investments

Bridgehampton, NY—June 30, 2003—More than 100 representatives of nearly 60 corporate sponsors of the Hampton Classic Horse Show attended the 2003 Sponsor Workshop, Monday June 24 at Tavern On The Green in New York City. Entitled “Maximizing the Return on Your Hampton Classic Sponsorship,” the five-hour session was hosted by the Classic’s Executive Director Anthony F. Hitchcock.

“For eight years we have hosted these workshops to provide sponsors with ideas on how they can utilize the Hampton Classic to market their products or services,” Hitchcock noted at the end of the session. “Virtually everyone in attendance has come up to me and said how they came away with new ideas that should give them an even better return on their sponsorship investment! It’s a great way to introduce new sponsors to our event and to recognize the efforts of our long time partners.”

The workshop provides sponsors with an overview of various opportunities available to them in connection with their sponsorships, including ancillary promotional options such as advertising on the event’s telecasts, in special Hampton Classic newspaper and magazine sections, and on local radio. Networking with other sponsors, meeting with Classic officials, and hearing from outside speakers combine to make the day extremely popular with the sponsors who attend.

The keynote speaker at this year’s sponsor workshop was Kevin Calica, Vice President and Creative Director of Special Events & Global Communications at Calvin Klein. Calica’s address “The Right Relationship” focused on identifying events best suited to the image and objectives of a corporate sponsor. Calica cited the long and successful relationship Calvin Klein has with the Hampton Classic.

Rider representative Kelly Weitsma of Equisponse spoke on the various ways riders’ sponsors can involve riders in marketing and promotional efforts. Other speakers included Jane Baxter Lynn of the Long Island Wine Council and Michael Howell, Director of Marketing for the Hampton Classic, who spoke on the new wine event featured at this year’s Hampton Classic. Isabel Sepulveda, the Hampton Classic’s Fiesta Day Chair, joined by Ralph Morales, Marketing Director of Hoy magazine, Fiesta Day’s title sponsor, provided updates regarding the third annual Fiesta Day at the Classic.

28th Hampton Classic—Week of Show Jumping Leading up to

the $150,000 Prudential Financial Grand Prix

The 28th annual Hampton Classic Horse Show, which runs from August 24-31 and benefits the Southampton Hospital, is a showcase for hunter and jumper competition from junior levels through grand prix, culminating with the $150,000 Prudential Financial Grand Prix on Sunday, August 31.

In collaboration with the Long Island Wine Council, the Classic will kick off on Saturday, August 23 with Wine Spectator’s Long Island Wine Classic—a one-day event featuring an afternoon tasting of wines from twenty-four Long Island vineyards and an evening paired-wine dinner and auction. Both events benefit three East-End hospitals and are open to the public who purchase tickets in advance.

Sunday, August 24 at the Hampton Classic is The Manhattan Mortgage Company’s Opening Day, presented by Distinction Magazine. Officials of the show also announced a new show jumping competition to take place that day—the $20,000 David Yurman Time Challenge.

Seniors Day, presented by 50 Plus Senior News, will take place on Thursday, August 28. Senior Citizens will be admitted free to the Classic and can enter the Classic’s free drawings for great prizes donated by Seniors Day sponsors and many of the Classic’s other sponsors and boutique vendors. “An Evening of Shopping in the Boutique Garden” will cap off the day.

On Friday, August 29, the Hampton Classic will again host Fiesta Day, presented by Hoy, the Classic’s community-centered salute the growing Hispanic community on Long Island. Fiesta Day is an event celebrating the culture and traditions of its Latino participants and will include ethnic food, music, and dancing in tribute to diversity in work and play. A new mini-Mercado in the relocated exhibition area will open on Fiesta Day for the last weekend of the show and will include displays of arts and crafts by Latino and Hispanic artists and merchants.

Friday’s show jumping competition will be highlighted by the top riders of the sport, competing in the $30,000 Adequan® Fiesta Day Grand Prix, the qualifying event for Sunday’s $150,000 Prudential Financial Grand Prix.

The eighth annual Cablevision Kids Day, presented by Long Island Parents & Children magazine, on Saturday, August 30 is a family-friendly day featuring free admission for children under 12 as well as an array of activities sure to please kids of all ages. Along with the fun of face painting, balloon sculpting and a magician, the day will feature hands-on circus acts with the National Circus Project. There will be free pony rides, courtesy of Sally Hansen Cosmetics, and many interesting animal exhibitions designed to educate and entertain in the World of the Horse™ Exhibition Tent and Show Yard.

Kids Day competition is highlighted by the $25,000 Sally Hansen Grand Prix, the $15,000 W.G.H.R. Junior/Amateur Jumper Classic, as well as the $2,500 Children's Jumper Classic and the $2,500 Pony Hunter Classic for junior riders under the age of 18.

Other featured events during the Hampton Classic include the $30,000 Young Jumper Championship Finals and the $25,000 Calvin Klein Show Jumping Derby for riders under the age of 21.

Five show rings, plus vendors, restaurants, and the children’s area will be operating throughout the week. Admission is $5 per person or $15 per carload, with children under 6 admitted free. Reserved grandstand seating for Sunday, August 31 is $15 per person (in addition to $5/person or $15/carload admission) or $25 per person in the special Premium Seating center sections. Parking is free throughout the show week.

For more information about the Hampton Classic and Wine Spectator’s Long Island Wine Classic, be sure to visit the show’s website at


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