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July 2003 - Horse Active launch a new updated website.

Horse Active know the importance of owning a properly equipped First Aid Kit and realise that the chances are that sooner or later an accident will happen to horse or rider. Being able to make a quick response in such situations is essential for a speedy recovery.

Unfortunately first aid doesn't just happen! In response to the need for equestrians to be prepared for minor emergencies Horse Active have developed a new range of first aid kits catering for both horse and rider. All the kits contain quality branded products and cost from £17.99 for the Safe in the Saddle rider's kit to £87.99 for the Premier equine kit. Laminated first aid guidance cards are included in every kit.

The equine kits have been designed along with veterinary consultation and approval. The rider's kit exceeds the current Health and Safety Executive (First Aid) requirements for one person.

" Shop online for hundreds of essential first aid and horse care products. Special introductory offers on equine first aid kits.
" Equestrian bookshop with a great new section on dog books.
" Database of seasonal and topical horse care articles.
" Visitor's hints and tips. Prizes offered for contributions.
" New forum. Chat with other equestrians or exchange information and advice.
" News section featuring the latest on horse health & safety issues.

For additional information on Horse Active First Aid Kits and other products please visit us at

Find out more, visit the links page or find answers on the message board.



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