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Hunting - what about the horses?

With the issue of hunting becoming ever more heated, one issue that is frequently overlooked is the plight of the horse. HorseWorld, in Whitchurch, Bristol, is concerned about the welfare implications of the current debate on horses in the South West.

HorseWorld is the South West's premier equine welfare charity, committed to rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing horses, ponies and donkeys in need. Established in 1952, it is currently responsible for over 300 horses, of which 180 are based at its site in Whitchurch. HorseWorld also runs a highly successful Visitor Centre.

Chief Executive of HorseWorld James Cretney said; "HorseWorld is neutral on the subject of hunting with dogs, but regardless of anyone's view on hunting, one thing is for sure; any action that limits the usefulness of a horse or reduces the economic value of the animal will ultimately lead to the welfare of the equine being compromised. Last year we rehabilitated and re-homed over 100 horses and that was only scratching the surface. There is a very real equine welfare problem out there and it could get a whole lot worse."

The attached copy of equine facts and figures outlines some of the concerns that the National Equine Welfare Council (NEWC) have regarding the welfare of the horse, should a ban on hunting be introduced.

HorseWorld is an Executive Committee member of NEWC.

The National Equine Welfare Council (NEWC) wiith 57 members is the representative body for equine welfare organisations


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