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Photographic Highlights From The 2003 Lake Placid Horse Show

Lake Placid Horse Show Chairman Richard M. Feldman with rock superstar Bruce Springsteen at the 2003 Lake Placid Horse Show.
Credit: James Leslie Parker

Marilyn Little on Champigny, owned Bernard Carl of Washington, DC, winner of the Hilton Resort Jump-off at the 2003 Lake Placid Horse Show
Credit: James Leslie Parker

Lake Placid Horse Show Chairman Richard M. Feldman (left) with Oscar-winning actress Glenn Close at the 2003 Lake Placid Horse Show.
Credit: James Leslie Parker

Marilyn Little on Hertel Landman, owned by Raylyn Farms, winner of the $50,000 Budweiser Grand Prix of Lake Placid at the 2003 Lake Placid Horse Show

Credit: James Leslie Parker


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