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Pet Care Products Company Finds Export Potential In Poland With Trade Partners UK

Dumfriesshire- based manufacturer of pet care products, Pet and Garden Manufacturing Plc, has won £20,000 worth of business in Poland with help from Trade Partners UK - the government body dedicated to providing UK companies with global expertise on international trade and investment.

The company secured the new business after going on a trade mission* to the country last year. The mission, organized by Business Link Kent, gave company managing director, Gordon Chesworth, the chance to meet with potential distributors in the region.

As a result of the meetings organized by the Trade Partners UK team at the British Embassy in Warsaw, Mr Chesworth appointed two new distributors, one of which supplies directly to garden centres and the other is the largest wholesaler and supplier of pet care products to pet retail outlets in the region.

Previously, Pet & Garden Manufacturing exported to 27 countries, but had not looked into the Polish market. After commissioning a Tailored Market Information Report (TMIR)* the company felt confident that business opportunities existed in Eastern Europe.

"We are pleased with the TMIR, the programme of appointments and overall assistance supplied by the Trade Partners UK team at the British Embassy in Warsaw as well as the support from the Business Link mission organizer. Trade Partners UK has helped us find a new avenue for export success," Mr Chesworth said.

Mr Chesworth has recently returned to Poland and is talking to a third company also identified by the British Embassy in Warsaw. This company is interested in distributing horse care products offered by Pet & Garden Manufacturing.

* Tailored Market Information Reports
Commercial officers at Embassies and other British Diplomatic Posts overseas produce tailor-made reports for UK companies under the Trade Partners UK banner. These reports include: basic market information; identification and assessment of potential agents / distributors; customized local contacts list; market assessments for the product or service; advice on market approach; information about potential local business contacts; general information on local investment opportunities.


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