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SCOPE Catalogue is Now On-Line

Catalogue pages for most of the 24 super foals, yearlings, and two-year-olds selected for the SCOPE Elite Auction can now be viewed at

In a few days pages for the rest of the horses will be published and video clips will be available for viewing.

You will find beautifully bred, athletic, well-conformed young horses with world-class performance bloodlines. All are registered with either the Irish Horse Board or the KWPN.

Tickets for the 3rd International Breeders Conference and the SCOPE Auction may be purchased on-line or by posting a cheque and your name, address, and telephone
number. Details may be found on the SCOPE homepage.

And remember: the Irish Horse Board has awarded SCOPE the Inward Buyer Programme, so overseas buyers who export a horse can have their travel costs subsidized.


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