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United States Equestrian Federation Board, Executive Committee and Officers Elected

Lexington, KY and Gladstone, NJ – July 16 – The officers and Executive Committee for the proposed new National Governing Body (NGB) of equestrian sport, the US Equestrian Federation (USEF), were elected at a meeting held Tuesday, July 8, at the Marriott Griffin Gate Resort in Lexington, KY.

David J. O’Connor of The Plains, VA, was elected as President. Kathy Knill Meyer of Edwards, CO, was elected as Treasurer and Eric Straus of New Canaan, CT, was elected as Secretary. Armand Leone, Jr. of Glen Rock, NJ, was elected Vice President of International High Performance; Sam Barish of Rockville, MD, was elected as Vice President of FEI Affiliates; Bill Hughes of Chino Hills, CA, was elected as Vice President of National Affiliates and Judy Werner of Waterloo, IL was elected as Vice President of Administration and Finance.

Other members of the Executive Committee include Stephen O. Hawkins of Saddle River, NJ, as the USAE Trust Representative; Frank V. Lloyd of Hackensack, NJ, as the USET Foundation Representative; Mark Leone of Oakland, NJ, as the USOC AAC representative and Bill Moroney of Aldie, VA, Jessica Ransehousen of Unionville, PA, and Valerie Kanavy of Fort Valley, VA, were elected as members at large. The election of Dressage and Eventing athletes is currently on-going.

USA Equestrian will remain the national governing body and national federation for the sport of equestrian until the recognition by the United States Olympic Committee of the United States Equestrian Federation or December 1, 2003, whichever is later.

USA Equestrian Inc., as the National Equestrian Federation of the U.S., is the regulatory body for the Olympic and World Championship sports of dressage, driving, endurance, eventing, reining, show jumping, and vaulting, as well as 19 other breeds and disciplines of equestrian competition. As
the country's largest multi-breed organization, the Federation has over 80,000 members and recognizes more than 2,800 competitions nationwide each year. It governs all aspects of competition, including educating and licensing all judges, stewards, and technical delegates who officiate at these shows.
The vision of USA Equestrian is to provide leadership for equestrian sport in the United States of America, promoting the pursuit of excellence from the grass roots to the Olympic Games, based on a foundation of fair, safe competition and the welfare of its horses, and embracing this vision, to be the best national equestrian federation in the world.


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