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Crossing The Border

Kanadiana International Equestrian Center and Success Is Easy, the leading provider of online equine courses, have joined for a “hands on horses” learning program leading to an Equine Studies Certificate.

The certificate program is completely online, and while students work with horses, they do not get “in-person” riding instruction. During school or after being awarded a certificate, students are encouraged to attend Kanadiana in Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada, for all levels of riding instruction.

With an online faculty of outstanding professional horsemen and women who have proven records of success in their field of study, the Kanadiana certificate program offers convenience and affordability. Students can start their studies at any time, work at their own pace, and get one-on-one assistance by e-mail from their instructors. While most students could earn their certificate—there are 16 courses available—in less than 24 months, there are no completion deadlines. Students may take one or more courses at a time, and do not have to participate in the complete program. Courses include Training Performance Horses, How to Feed for Maximum Performance, Equine Sports Massage, Behavior Modification Techniques, Stable Management, Preparation for Competition and Bits and Shoeing.

Kanadiana Equestrian Center also offers an Equine Canada certificate program as well as riding instruction in both English and Western disciplines. The Center offers students the opportunity to “live and work with horses,” and practice the skills necessary to teach and coach riders.

Complete online course descriptions and full details about the Kanadiana online program can be viewed at


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