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Montana Feature Film In Development, Entering Into Casting Stage

First film of trilogy to shoot in fall of 2004

Casting is under way for the feature film, Miranda and Starlight to be produced and directed by Robert Kollar of Top Herrmann Entertainment, Inc. and Hollywood veteran, Emile Razpopov of Global Studios, Inc., in conjunction with Starlight Film Partners 1, L.L.C. This is the first film of a planned trilogy based on the Starlight Series of books by Montana author Janet Muirhead Hill. A seven-week shoot in the fall of 2004 in Southwestern Montana is planned. Casting for the three main child roles will begin July 16, and 17, 2004.

Kollar, who is one of the founding coordinators of Montana’s Hatch Fest Film Festival, has long had a vision for making a Montana based film. He was so touched by Hill’s Miranda and Starlight that he immediately knew he had found the perfect story to fulfill this dream. The Starlight Film Project, as it has been dubbed, will result in at least three family movies for national and international theatrical distribution.

Hill, president of Raven Publishing, Inc. and Kollar have collaborated in writing the screenplay adaptation of the first two Starlight books, a heartfelt saga of the adventures and mishaps that seal a bond of love between a girl and her horse. In a sensitive and memorable way, the books address many issues that face today’s youth. Sharing the vision of building a Montana industry that will create, produce, and distribute wholesome family films such as this one, Hill and Kollar have teamed up to form Starlight Film Partners 1, LLC.

Many Montana film professionals have expressed interest in working on this film, including Margot Kidder to play the role of Grandma; world famous Andrew Laszlo, as Director of Photography; and David Butler, renowned aerial cinematographer. Our casting director will be none other than Montana’s loveable Tina Buckingham. Jeanni Monical will serve as production coordinator. The producers are seeking a stunning black horse that is gentle and trainable to play the role of Starlight. In keeping with Starlight Film Partners’ goal of using Montana talent as much as possible, including actors, musicians, technicians, and crew, Top Herrmann Entertainment Inc., and Starlight Film Partners 1, L.L.C. are soliciting submissions for all of the above-mentioned talent. For familiarization of the screenplay, it will be helpful to read The Starlight Series, which may be purchased online at or by calling toll free to (866) 685-3545. They are also available in bookstores nationwide.

For business information, investment opportunities, and crew submissions, contact the producer, Robert Kollar at:

Top Herrmann Entertainment, Inc.

P.O. Box 4331

Bozeman, MT 59772


E-mail: (No phone calls or e-mail submissions for casting, please.)

For casting submissions, contact Janet Hill at:

Raven Publishing, Inc.

P.O. Box 2885

Norris, MT 59745



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