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A new magazine for New Zealand owners of thoroughbred racehorses has been launched.

It is hoped the publication, New Zealand Thoroughbred Racehorse Owner, will help lift the profile of the nation’s estimated 11,000 owners. The magazine is the voice of the New Zealand Thoroughbred Racehorse Owners Federation.

Federation members have in recent months been focused on reinvigorating the organisation, with plans to build membership and, with that, hopes of a greater voice within the industry.

The magazine will not only profile the nation’s owners, but also raise issues of concern to those with a stake in thoroughbred racehorses.

The publication, which will be on sale nationally on Monday (July 5), is also distributed to the 1500 members of the federation.

The federation has also launched a website, at


New Zealand Thoroughbred Racehorse Owner magazine
The voice of the New Zealand Thoroughbred Racehorse Owners Federation


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